Estimated Fenwick Price



Dec 30, 2013
Western Maryland
My uncle recently ended up with a Fenwick rod and was wondering what the value for the rod my be. The rod I had the sock and tube and honestly look as if it never been fished or had a reel in the seat. The numbers are FF79 8ft 3 1/2 oz. H 74899. I don't think the rod could be in any better shape and was just looking for a ballpark price range for him. Thanks
Check Ebay and see what is listed for similar rods to see what people are asking.

Then be sure to also click on the "sold" button to see what similar rods actually sold for. That is probably the best way to estimate value.

Can you post pictures?
Ten yrs ago I sold a Fenwick fiberglass 7' 5wt (FF705) for $100. The rod was purchased for about $90 in 1990. It was in very good condition.

I'm not an expert on rods but usually there are 3 numbers after "FF" so you could be missing a number.

Can you post pics? If so, and if no one here can help you, there is a fiberglass rod forum you should check out.
While many Fenwick rods had 3-digit model numbers, the FF79 is from Fenwick's 1st generation of "feralite" (glass ferrule) rods from the mid-60s thru 1971. It's an 8' rod rated for #5/6 lines. Some owners on the glass forum state its best as a dry fly rod. While it's hard to say what the real value is without putting it on the market, I'd guess someone would pay in the range of $200 for an exceptional FF79 with original sock & case in equally fine condition.
I would estimate the price to be somewhere between $125 and $150 if it is in pristine condition. The value of vintage Fenwick rods dropped in the past few years due to the numbers of rod companies (both large and small) offering new glass rods. I love the Fenwicks that I acquired in the past 5 years, and I paid a premium for a 7 1/2' 5 weight 2 years ago at $125. The sticker was still on the handle. I bought others for considerably less. But who know's? Sometimes it is hard to figure out why some rods sell for much more on the internet. Right buyer at the right time.
As a person whom has many Fenwicks and sold many Fenwicks it really depends as outsider eluded to.

I would price your rod in pristine condition w/ the original sock and tube at 150
It could sell for more, but after eBay fees and paypal fees you would again be looking at about $150.

Ill buy it right now for $40.;-)

Fenwicks are worth far more to the people that love them than simple dollars.

a very valuable link when dealing with Fenwicks. Now seeing it on the list I think Eric might be right and you might get 200 for it. Even still fees will bring it down some.
Yes, when I speculated that "someone could pay in the range of $200," I should have stated "a highly motivated buyer." Even though an 8'/#5 is a useful tool for me, I wouldn't part with more than $100 for that rod today.
I participate on the fiberglassflyrodders forum. Currently there is a Fenwick FF705 for sale. This is one of the most sought after Fenwicks. The asking price is $100. Just to give you an idea how prices can fluctuate. I own one, probably my favorite vintage Fenwick.
Lol so do I but I read a hilarious but true comment on fiberglass flyrodders.

It's worth 100 here so it will probably sell double on eBay.
Ain't that the truth.
I was just looking for a general range to tell him that it was worth. If I had pictures I would post them, if I get some soon I will post them. The rod feels very nice to handle and like I send in the original post it and the sock and tube are in like new shape and probably never fished. Thanks for the feedback guys.