Erie Rain?



Well-known member
Oct 2, 2006
SW PA, Greensburg
Did Erie manage to dodge the rain again? Looks to me like they have got essentially none yesterday and today so far. According to the forecast there is still a chance tonight and tomorrow.
If they can make snow all winter at Seven Springs Mountain Resort, why can't they make rain in Erie. Write your legislators. :-o
were getting pounded here today in NEPA,its been pouring all day non stop..its alittle more rain then i wanted, looks like no fishing this weekend
The streams are still very low and clear here.The area did get some rain over the past few days but just enough to wet the roads. Very little run off, if any.
Jack, you might not be that far off. With all this Erie $ there is an outside shot that some type of reservoir or deep well system could be set up with the proper permits to allow for pumping additional water into some of the more popular tribs during these times of dry weather. This is a multi-million dollar fishery.
>>there is an outside shot that some type of reservoir or deep well system could be set up with the proper permits to allow for pumping additional water into some of the more popular tribs during these times of dry weather. This is a multi-million dollar fishery.>>

Lord, I hope not.

If they did, it would have to be Lake Erie water to begin with. To take it from inland Erie County would be a reverse violation of the Great Lakes Compact that governs interbasin tranfers in the Great Lakes, I'd think. And that's good news to me. I wouldn't want to see good water from the other side of the drainage used for this sort of tomfoolery (IMO at least..)

The problem with the PA Lake Erie tribs and low flows has a lot less to do with the lack of rain than the fact that these creeks are basically nothing but shale bowling alleys with very few significant springs. This is also why (with the exception of creeks like Crooked and Trout Run), they lock up so tight in a cold winter. None of the shale bottom tribs really holds much of a flow for very long. All they are really, is chutes..

In my view, what people really ought to be worried about on this fishery are two things:

1) Continuation of good levels of public access.

2) Development in the watershed and it's efects on the streams. Walnut Creek in particular. That tumor of a racetrack/gaming complex they just built at PA 97 and I-90 sits right on top of Walnut Creek at a point about 2-3 miles downstream from the headwaters. Every time I go home and go past it, I come close to getting sick. It looked a lot better when it was just a barn, a field and a couple taverns.

Thank you for letting an old grump vent. I hate seeing the places where I grew up turned to concrete so some waddling matron from Leechburg can come up on a bus, blow down a couple of Bloody Marys, burp once and put 50 bucks down on Serendipity's Child in the 4th to show...

Your post is right on. Good thoughts and pretty funny stuff there at the end...:) :)
From one old grump to another-That was the kind of reply I think we all would like to give.Excellent Sir,truly excellent.
Agree wholeheartedly with the need for good access and control of development to protect the fishery..... but I'll ask a controversial question anyway: why not do something to guarentee flows in the Erie tribs? The entire thing is an artifical fishery to begin with. If we didn't dump millions of steelhead fry in those tribs the (steelhead) fishery wouldn't exist. Why pretend its anything other than an amusement park?

I think it could be analagous to the artificial whitewater river in western MD. Make it a predictable fishing experience, atract even more anglers that want/need that sure thing, and take pressure off the streams that really matter - those with good habitat for a natural fishery (of any kind, trout, bass, whatever).

I have a hard time getting worked up about things that are artificial. Like those that fight or complain about coldwater releases in tailwaters that wouldn't support trout pops without them. Personally I just can't summon the outrage when these artificial fisheries are threatened because of dam releases or whatever. Now if we're talking about protecting habitat, water quality and natural fish populations, that's when I jump on board.

Tim B