emergers and midges



Apr 21, 2009
i was on spring creek last week. never been out there and it probly one of the best streams in pa i ever fished but there were fish jumping clear out of the water like three feet. but i saw a pod of fish just sitting eating what ever was hatching. this has happened to me more then once this year i cant figure it out. but i also heard something about midges im guessing that you fish them just like nymphs. anyone have a good midge pupa recipes.

thanks marc
Al's rat

Brown thread body with small ball of muskrat right behind the eye of the hook!
Works well on Spring!
simple as it gets. Thread body in any color with a little dubbing up front. Killer 30 second pattern
Bam and Alpa are right, if you want to get real detailed take 15 more seconds and put wire ribbing around the abdomen.
2 words ZEBRA MIDGE , if you just want to catch them tie on a size 18-20 cress bug...lol (adams grey dubbing on a caddis hook )