Elk Creek - Centre County



Sep 2, 2014
Can anyone give me some information on Elk Creek in Centre County? Is the portion above Millheim all really skinny water and is there stream access in the 'narrows' section? How about the portion that parallels Brush Valley Road? Any access there?

Any information on this stream would be appreciated as I am taking a trip out that way in a few weeks and Elk looked interesting. Thanks in advance.
I believe much of it is posted.
Thanks for the response. Yeah, I had been told it is sort of pocketed, where a stretch will be posted, then a stretch isn't. Just wondered if anyone familiar with it had any insight on fishable stretches.
Near the mouth it is open for a few hundred yards, then is a landowner who doesn't like Jonas. Then Spring Ridge Club has some land, then open water in the narrows for a while. It is like a gaunlet of private property and all you can do is fish where there are no signs and hope that equals permission.
Certainly don't want to ruffle feathers up there....I'll probably follow your advice Jack. If I don't see posted signs I'll hope it would mean they don't mind fishermen. If someone asks me to leave, I'll leave.
"Near the mouth it is open for a few hundred yards, then is a landowner who doesn't like Jonas."

More like 50 yds at best.

I guess that's what happens when you constantly send clients over and over to the same places.
I think you can fish through that stretch without confronting the landowner and if he wasn't so disgruntled, he'd never notice in my opinion.

If you choose a stretch near some homes/cabins, I recommend approaching the occupants during reasonable hours and asking permission to fish. Tell them if you are C & R or offer your catch to them should you be so lucky.
My experience:

After having worked upstream from the mouth, I encountered a stream-side property with manicured lawn to the steep cliff to the water. I had my 8 year old son with me, but I am pretty sure I was fishing aggressively. Anyway, we stayed close to the lip of the cliff, but comfortably on the manicured lawn. Ignoring the home 50 or more feet away, we crouched and threw a few casts into the glide and before the few +1 cast, were confronted by the landowner. He cross-examined me over whether Jonas told me to fish there and his disdain was palpable. I apologized on behalf of myself and son and quickly and calmly removed myself from his land.