Electric Wool Minnow



Mar 24, 2016
Electric Wool Minnow

Got a hold of some Electric Wool from Jack Fields
Head is flex UV Resin
Belly is Cirrus Electric Wool with a touch of Pink Belly Electric Wool for the gills
Top is Wombat and Aquacore
Eyes Holographic
Simple and easy to use.


  • Electric Wool Minnow Signature resized.jpg
    Electric Wool Minnow Signature resized.jpg
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Very nice Jerry, good baitfish pattern. I have been using it too. It is nice to work with.

Very nice Jerry. I too have been working with Jack's dubbin and it really is great stuff to work with.
Yes it is easy to work with. I have a few ideas on other type of flies I want to try.

When Mike and Jack showed me the material I knew right away that I wanted to use it to tie that streamer.

And with the UV resins on the market they make creating the head a snap. I use to use a product from Orvis called Softex. Worked great but had to deal with drying. The Flex UV Resin does the what I want it to do and hardens in seconds.
Is it just like senyo laser dubbing ?
Fredrick wrote:
Is it just like senyo laser dubbing ?
Sorry Fredrick I have not use that so I can't compare.

The Electric Wool has very little holographic flash in the fibers.

The package has long wool fibers that you can pull out to form the wing of this minnow. It seems finer than Polar Fibre. I like the way it is also translucent.

The UV Resin will hold the shape of the minnow.

Also go on Jack's website www.lv2nymph.com ask him about the Senyo Laser Dubbing question.

Good Luck

Fredrick wrote:
Is it just like senyo laser dubbing ?

Similar but not the same. Laser dub is a little heavier on the flash and uses an acrylic fiber for the dub. The laser dub fibers are much shorter than the electric wool.

The electric wool has much longer wool fibers and is lighter on the flash. The electric wool can be used for any number of dubbing applications.
Nice pattern, Jerry. It looks like interesting material. I use the Senyo Laser Dub for my small bait fish patterns under 3 inches. The main reason I like it is that's self tapering, no need to trim it to shape, like EP Fibers. For larger bait fish I use Mirror Image which I flash blend. The flash blending allows me to get a tapered body on larger flies without trimming. How large a bait fish pattern do you think you could tie with electric wool?
I'm pretty sure Jack had streamers in mind when he came out with Electric Wool. Many tyers are coming up with all kinds of applications for his dubbing on different types of patterns. Real nice stuff!
dc410 wrote:
I'm pretty sure Jack had streamers in mind when he came out with Electric Wool. Many tyers are coming up with all kinds of applications for his dubbing on different types of patterns. Real nice stuff!

John is correct. Jack's main intention was for streamers. Although I have found many more uses. What I like about Jacks material the best is the flash in it is very sparse. Jack and I have had many conversations about this. IMO many commercial materials made today have way too much flash for my liking.

JerryC wrote:
Nice pattern, Jerry. It looks like interesting material. I use the Senyo Laser Dub for my small bait fish patterns under 3 inches. The main reason I like it is that's self tapering, no need to trim it to shape, like EP Fibers. For larger bait fish I use Mirror Image which I flash blend. The flash blending allows me to get a tapered body on larger flies without trimming. How large a bait fish pattern do you think you could tie with electric wool?

I bet I could get a six inch minnow tied. The one in the photo is 3 inches.
Initially what I had in mind and john is correct was to find a material that I could use to make dubbing for streamers so that I could blend in the amount of flash that I wanted. I wanted something other than what I was finding commercially which has quite a bit of flash in it. Obviously there’s nothing wrong with what’s available and it works but there are enough times I feel that too much flash is a deterrent and I wanted an alternative. As it turns out this dubbing works equally well for nymphs, wets, & dries as well as streamers. I’ve tied down to an 18 with it and a tier in Australia has tied 20’s with it as well. Its also made the saltwater scene with guys doing very well on strippers with it. I have a gallery of pictures in my website on the electricwool page of the different ties that tiers from around the world have been doing, I invite you to have a look at that to see for yourself just how versatile it really is. You’ll also be able to see the full range of tones. I’ll be at Lancaster if you’d like to see it first hand stop by and introduce yourself...
Where did you get that wombat?? Just kidding. That pattern will work great early on in the Upper Delaware imitating alewives. Nice Fly!
That's good to know, Jerry. I very seldom go over 4 inches for my fresh water bait fish. Did you high tie or V-tie the pattern?

JerryC wrote:
That's good to know, Jerry. I very seldom go over 4 inches for my fresh water bait fish. Did you high tie or V-tie the pattern?

Each layer is on opposite sides of the shank. Tied in so the tips are towards the bend of the hook. I only catch a small amount with the tying thread so not to have a large body.

And I use very sparse amount of materials. I like the almost translucent look.

It isn't Hallowed tied. Since that is where the material faces the eye of he hook and then bend back towards the bend.

Looks like I will have to create a video of the tying sequences soon.

I do have to get more Solarez Flex UV to tie more. I only had a 2oz tube to play with. I might try the thick/thin to see what the results will be.

Can't wait to try it in the back bay soon with my new TFO BVK 8wt
