Eggs for Salmon River



Nov 12, 2014
Just a quick question. I'm tying up some eggs for Steelhead on the Salmon river next month. Just not sure about size. These are tied on #8 hooks. Does this look good for diameter? Also what other colors would you tie? Blood dot or not?



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BTW thats a #12 PT in front of them
I used to tie sz 10 for steel. Pink, cerise, orange were my favorite colors. Blood dot is a personal preference, but can't hurt.

Those you have look great. The smallest one to the far right seems the best size to me.
Just back from a trip and every fish I landed with a legal hook up was on an egg on a #8 hook. Pink, orange, and purple were the hot colors. Some estez. Some globug yarn. You should be all set.
Oh what a timely post. I have been tying for over 25 years and this " simple" pattern give me fits. I use glow bug yarn too and although I don't think the fish really mind my flies never end up like little balls. There is always a little seam in the middle at the tie in point.

I am using 140 denier thread, the homemade egg tool, 2 "X" wraps pulled tight and still can't get yarn to flare into a complete ball. Just always seem to get 2 disks help,!!!.
I should mention that I can get the nice egg shape but only if I make eggs that are about two sizes too big
I use this pattern. So it's definitely not a perfect sphere. I also add a bead. The fish didn't seem to mind at all. Plus you can crank them out fast. I used about 75 of these last weekend, losing many to the rocks and many to the fish. Also, I am now a big fan of Sabre's hooks. The globug salmon/steelhead model in 2X heavy performed flawlessly.

When I'm tying other globugs, I find a tighter pull upward as I snip the yarn yields the best sphere. But it still requires some teasing out. For tiny eggs, i tie an Antron veiled egg.
I have never fished the salmon river but I would think clown eggs, large cristal meth and other go to flies on the Erie tributaries would work. Perhaps just tied larger on larger hooks.

Try using a pen or straw with a large diameter (1/4"-3/8") with the egg yarn threaded inside to place your yarn on the hooks more strands of yarn for bigger flies. To little yarn will not allow you to make the right density of the pom-pom.
I like McFly Foam a lot better for making my egg get almost a perfect ball every time... Lots of colors to pick from.

Easy tie with and you can make really small realistic eggs.

I wouldn't worry too much. I've taken glow yarn, chewed on it to get it wet, and impaled it on a hook a bunch of times and used that to catch hundreds of salmon and steelhead before I fly fished.
Here's the best way I know how to tie yarn eggs.

Can change up colors, but the big helps are using McFly foam with the tool made from a electrical test clamp. I can easily go down to size 18 eggs with this technique and knock out a dozen in 30 minutes or less.
McFly Foam and 50 denier GSP thread.

Also, they catch fish just fine in they are 320 degrees around the hook rather than 360 degrees.
also,there are times when it just doesn't chenille tyed on a hook in a basic ball shape.when you are banging the bottom and breaking off dozens of flies.
Size 8 sucker spawn tied with egg yarn split in half. Pink lady is top color and others various shades of pinks/yellows. These work in the DSR. For open water you may need smaller flies. Particularly the further upstream you go.
shakey wrote:
also,there are times when it just doesn't chenille tyed on a hook in a basic ball shape.when you are banging the bottom and breaking off dozens of flies.

+1 to Shakey ^

Up at the Salmon River the fish were taking white eggs. I had my tying kit with me and the only thing white I had was some chenille. I tied up a bunch of flies with that chenille tied in a ball shape and slayed them. Ever since, I tied those simple eggs using chenille and do well on them.

Also, take note of Shakey's second sentence..."banging the bottom" = banging the fish.