Ed Bordas and PA Steelheading 80's/90's



Jun 3, 2019
I'm gathering info for an article I'm working on and could use some help. I'm looking for any and all info, stories, anecdotes, and facts from the late 70's/80's/early 90's Erie PA steelheading scene and Greensburg native Ed Bordas. Photos will get you a high five and Ed Bordas/Old timey polaroids will get you a leaping high five. Please if you have a lot just pm me with your email address or phone # so we can do an interview or something so we don't crowd the board or my inbox.

Thanks in advance!!!
It may be a needle in a haystack thing but, MAYBE there is something of help in the PA Angler Legacy Issues.

You would have to peruse the table of contents of a bunch of issues, but who know, you may get lucky.

Good luck!
I'm pretty sure I read an article in PA Angler years ago about the early days of lake run rainbows in Erie tribs, before the modern mayhem began. It was very interesting.

DK, I dunno how much help I can be, but I knew Ed a little. Back in those days I was a pretty good fly tyer and spent ALOT of time in a local shop. Ed would stop in and share stories and insight to his “ Laser” fly.
He did credit me with teaching him how to use a Matarelli whip finisher, which is probably the nicest thing any teacher ever said about me.