echo fly rods



Active member
Feb 6, 2009
while surfing the web browsing for a new steelhead rod i decided to check into echo fly rods now i know nothing about them and at the time im wrting this i still know nothing but this ..... has anyone used one for fishing and also i would like to ask if a 7 wt would handle a trip to salmon river? this is a cool video anyways
I myself own a few echos and my dad does also. I swear by them. I have a 2wt carbon that have shut the tip in the door 3 different times now it hasn't broke and i shut it in a door jam of my house. For the price and warranty you get with them you can't beat them IMO. I used the warranty once for the 5wt I have I broke the tip on it I called i didn't have to send the rod back no shipping fees nothing they sent me a new tip I had it in 4 days.
I'm a big fan of echo rods. I think I own 4 at this point and usually when looking at new rods they're usually who I end up going with. Great casting rods and a great company to deal with.

As far as a 7 being able to handle the salmon river if you're going for kings specifically then you might want to go up a line weight or 2. It won't have the backbone to really lay big pressure on the fish.

That being said check the pic below. I caught that on an Echo 10' 5wt while throwing egg imitations for dollies. It handled that red with no problem.

Don't pigeon hole yourself into one rod but if you're looking for a nice quality AND affordable rod, definitely check out the Echo's.


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I have an Echo 7wt switch. I found it great for bass and steel. I would definitely recommend it.