Echo Carbon XL vs. Echo Dry Fly 4wts.

I purchased a 4wt and 5wt Echo Carbon XL as my first rods. Only reason for the 4wt was because I messed up on the reel size due to not paying attention when ordering and got a 3/4 reel. I then decided to get the 4wt rod instead of exchanging the reel, and ordered the correct reel for the 5wt rod. Neither have been used yet.

I bought the XLs because they are supposed to be good all around rods, and because they were rated the number one budget rod in more than one review. As a beginner I felt an all around rod was my best option.

My initial researching turned up the Echo Dry Fly rod, but I ignored it figuring I didn't want a rod for just one technique. However, I later found another article where the reviewer said it would make a good all around rod. Check yellowstoneangler review. Author also said it was usable from 25'-85' with dry flies. Impressive. The initial review I read said 25-50 feet.

Whoa! What to believe? Other than the $60-$70 difference in price, what are the real differences between these rods? The Dry should have better components given its higher cost. It also weighs less. Are they both capable all around rods?

And, no, I am currently not adding another rod to my 'quiver'. However, I am curious if I should get an Echo Dry Fly rod should I get heavily into that type of fishing. Or would my XL 4wt be sufficient for PA? I'm thinking 85 foot casts are not something I'd be needing in this side of the state unless possibly when fishing a lake?

Hopefully someone has fished both models and can give me feedback on how each rod fishes. And their best uses.
