Eastern Fly Fishing article



May 31, 2013
I knew my subscription was running out and that the latest issue would be my last, so it was with a bit of sorrow that I sat down to enjoy the latest issue when it arrived today with the mail.

As I was reading it, however, my feelings of sorrow turned to confusion at first, then a bit of anger, when I started reading the article "The Middle of Nowhere" because I'd already read it in some other publication.

Has anyone else noticed "recycled" articles in this or other publications? I'm not speaking about anthology collections republished in book form, but rather magazines publishing previously published works.


How about any artical by Harry Murry on flyfishing for bass. All are a re-do of sonething he has already published.
I'm not familiar with the magazine in question and do not know their policies on paying contributors, etc.

One thing that sometimes happens is that a publication will buy "first rights" to an article when it is originally published. Once they've published it, all rights revert to the author and they can do as they please with it, including re-submitting the piece in identical form for publication elsewhere. This rights policy is (or was..) fairly common in outdoor writing at the state/regional level.

If you're sure the two articles are identical (this matters..), my guess would be that Eastern FF is not paying to publish the piece and has some other arrangement with the author.

Are they word for word identical, title and all? If the answer is no, nothing wrong outside of a lazy/sloppy editorial decision has occurred. It is pretty common for outdoor writers to re-work previously published material and submit it for free or very nominal compensation.

But, are the pieces really identical? I suspect they are not..

Postscript: I took a look and saw that this is a Dave Hughes article. He's a relatively big name in the field. He's also very prolific and has published like 20 books or some such. I can't see Hughes submitting identical material in this way. My guess is that the EFF piece is a re-work of something of his and that he isn't working for nothing or even at cut rate here..
The problem is that I remember reading this article, but can't recall exactly where. I suspect it was in a book I got from my local library, which would mean it's got a few years on it.

I looked in all my fly fishing mags I have to see if it was in one of them, but could not find it, which makes me think it was in a library book.

I read the article last year, but definitely remember the story.

I just think it incredibly sloppy on the part of a magazine that charges a lot per issue and only publishes 6 issues per year.