Early Black Stonefly - Mifflin Co.



Active member
Sep 18, 2006
Milroy PA
Limestone stream Mifflin County PA. February 21, 2022. Mid afternoon, sunny, air temp 60 F, water high but dropping after a flood. I believe this fly is Taeniopteryx spp. size 12, all black with dun colored wings having prominent veins.
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That's good to see. In the RARE occasions when 1) Oil Creek is in good shape and 2) I have time off to fish when it is, these are the ones that get the stockies feeding on the surface.
I have had some bang up February and March days using a size 14 black wet fly with mallard flank fiber wing thanks to the early black stone fly. I caught only one brown on Monday and, oddly enough, she ignored my black fly and took my top dropper instead, a Greenwells Glory. Never can tell.