DV Fly Fishing Club PAFF Trip, October 26th



Mar 23, 2011
Hey everyone! Some of you guys might remember this from last year, but I started a fly fishing club at my school. On Saturday, October 26th we will be going down to the Heritage Section of the Little Lehigh.

There will be 9 students and 1 adult representing the club. What I hope is that we can get a handful of people to help out and go fishing with the kids for the day, give them pointers, advice, and guidance.

It will probably be from around 9 or 10 to 3 or 4. We will determine the specific times a little later. This event was very successful last year, and all the kids had a fantastic time. Hoping to recreate that experience for the new members of the club this year.

So, if you think you could make it, or know you can make it, please post it in a comment below. Thank you!

I'm penciling this into the calendar.

I can bring a rod for someone to use. Not sure I can provide much in the way of instruction, but am willing to help.

I'll try to make it but it doesn't look too promising. I've been thinking about organizing something similar so I want to try to be there.

Last winter I brought hot drinks and someone else cooked. If I can make it, I'll bring food, probably a gumbo or something. Weather will probably be chilly then and you growing kids need to eat.

And I'll do what I can to help out with the fishing.
If work allows it, I'll be there. That's a big IF though.

No promises at this point, but I'll try my best to be there.
Thanks guys! Let's see if we can get a few more people to help out!
May have Dan along to help, will check.

What are you arranging for weather? :-0

It's a little early to be sure of the weather. We will wait until it is closer. Unless there is hurricane watch or flooding I think we will go. We will just have everyone bring appropriate attire.
Dan's on to help, if needed.
As at looks right now, we will need all the help we can get!

This is a great bunch of young folk to be around. Come on out and help if you can.

Yes, this is still occuring. The number of students has decreased, for transportation reasons and supervision. There will be 5 students who will need a "mentor" and I'm sure my advisor for the club would love to go with a mentor as well. I have 2 buddies outside of this forum coming, and who knows who else. I think we will have plenty of people.
Today has been crazy and I didn't get any food made but I'll bring a small grill and do hot dogs and beans. In case something goes wrong with grill (I haven't used it since January and I'm too beat to test it now), I suggest having a back up lunch.

I have a small grill I'm bringing along with hot dogs and buns. (This isn't my normal grill, it's a table topper this time) I also have a case of water.

I'll still bring something. Definately the beans ("Grillin' Beans"). And maybe I'll stop for snack stuff.

I really wanted to cook and bake today but things came up.