Duck quill wings



New member
Jun 1, 2011
Do any of you folks have any tips for preventing the duck quill wings on flies such as the ginger quill from splitting when you stand them up? I wouldn’t care because it’s entirely aesthetic but I’m trying to get the FFI Silver Tying Award and I’m sure they’ll ding me if the wings are not perfect. I’m sure the fish won’t care.
Google "artist's fixatives used in fly tying". That's the kind of stuff I used to use anyway when I was working with quill wings.
When I started tying, a product called "flexament" was recommended for use on duck quills.
No idea if it's still around now.

I used to put duck quill wings on gray winged mayflies
But found it rather frustrating to get them looking nice.
They also tended to twist the tippet with larger size flies
And they still usually split after catching a fish or two - no matter what I coated them with.

I finally concluded that they were more of a PIA than they were worth.
And started using other, better materials for gray winged flies
I agree completely but I have to tie 3 identical duck wing Ginger Quills as part of the required flies for the Federation of Flyfishers Silver Flytying Award. I figured I’d try to do something productive during the pandemic.
Thanks. There was some good info there.
A light coating of spray adhesive?
Coat them in Rain X before tying them on. It will help them stay on top of the water and also helps keep them from splitting : )
I have the same problem, not all the time but this happens. The split, funny my split always happens to the wing near me. I am sure this is do to wing attachment to the hook. Setting of this style wing, is sometimes not easy. It might be possible i am pulling the thread toward me and not straight down.

Many times the split occurs while wrapping the hackle. Hmm?

I tie fast, so to tie one every 6 or seven minutes, i would rather double or triple that.

Back in the old days they sold "wing formers". Never tried one, seemed it took time or i did not have the money.

I feel the lack of practice has some effect also. When young at tying all flies had duck quill wings. Then i started with side feathers, woodchuck and deer hair wings. Seems for a while all my flies had deer hair wings. I really liked them.

Funny, when you hold a fly above your head and look up, like a trout, you do not see the duck wing tied on the fly.

Good luck, i am sure you will do just fine!
coatings on quill wing slips look nice in the vise but after being in water and after a fish or two its all going to go away
This is an example of the benefit of having a long standing fly shop near. In the absence of that, check this video by Dave Brandt. He passed away in March 2020. He has a TU Chapter named after him. It is mainly the first few minutes that address quill wings. I think you may benefit by choosing a segment with finer barbs and avoiding the area he notes.

Dave Brandt Tying Flight's Fancy

I have heard of tiers putting fixative on finished wings but not as a way to prevent splitting while tying them.

Good luck.
a high quality hairspray like masterpiece is worth a try
I met a old fly tyer/bamboo rod maker at one of the fly fishing shows who had the most perfect duck quill wings I’ve seen between his collections of BWOs and Sulfur patterns. I asked how he kept his wings together and he said he’s uses a type of clear silicone adhesive that he coats “only on the insides”. Later that week I was tinkering with Duck Quill Wings for smaller patterns to see if I could get a good wing without silicone. I took a drop of Solarez UV resin and put a fine coat over the wings. After hitting it with a UV light they never separated and looked pretty good to me. Ive been tying them like that since. Also, for patterns like Letort Hopper and Dave’s Hopper where you need a flat piece of turkey or hen feather over the back for the “wing”, the UV resin technique works just as well.