Dubbing the thorax on drys



Dec 25, 2006
Was reading an article and the author recommended dubbing the thorax on drys to continue the taper and give a fuller thorax. Whats your guys/girls take on this. Depends on the fly?
depends on the fly, not on a catskill style it will add weight..
yes, depends, but I think it helps seat/protect the hackle stem, plus some mayflies have a different color thorax. My sulpher patterns have it as I use an orangish thorax and yellow body. Some of the more "slim" mayflies might not need it.

my .02 and I am rarely right anyway, just ask my wife.
I prefer to fish comparadun dries and I actually dub the thorax with quite a bit of dubbing. When I'm wrapping the dubbing from the bend to just behind the wing I apply normal pressure but when I dub in front of the wing I dub very tight and apply quite a bit of pressure because I probably use as much dubbing in front of the wing as the entire rest of the fly but I compact in very tight against the deer hair. I find that this keeps the wings more in the upright position. I also do like a lareger thorax than most.
catskill =no
compara=mine usually have a bump from the hair anyways
I dub the thorax area on my catskill style drys with just a small amount of dubbing. I like how it looks, and makes winding the hackle a little easier IMO