Dubbing Loop Body and Collar Hare's Ear Video, Jean Paul Dessaigne



Active member
Jan 21, 2008

The photo is a snapshot from this 87 MB video, included here to give an idea of the unusually high quality for an internet tying video.

It's in French, and the only word I understood was "twist," but the video is so vivid and detailed that language is not important.

Go to this page and scroll to the bottom. L'oreille de lievre = Hare's Ear (I looked it up).


Some might think this fly is too bulky, but I like it's generic bugginess.
That would be outright killer on spring creek.
sweet video. Funny you posted this I was on youtube trying to find a video for dubbing loops last nite. This one is much better than any I found. Thanks and off to the vise I go!
I like that fly!! I think that would work on any stream. I going to the vice to tie some up.
It is a cool video, and I liked the tweezer-aided half hitch :) But it wound up looking a little too much like a woolly bugger to be worth the trouble IMHO. Now that I said that, it will probably be the hottest fly around this spring. :oops:
Just last week France was listed as the best place to live. The US came in at number 7.
I remember the hatred of the french a couple years ago. "Freedom Fries" rather than "French Fries". So funny that it's really sad.
I think that our government didn't want us middle class to demand a 35hr work week with 8 weeks paid vacation and free health care and free college! That's why we are encouraged to hate the french.
I like the dubbed flies. That's pretty much the way I tie a Hares Ear.
Neat whip finish also!
PS- My daughter just got back from a 10 day honeymoon in Paris. A truly wonderful place.
You, The fly fishing prophet of Philadelphia, are correct! My bad.
1wt wrote:
You, The fly fishing prophet of Philadelphia, are correct! My bad.

No worries. :lol:

I don't "see all", just some things. The one thing I missed was where the long collar hairs came from. Is this more hare's ear?
I'm pretty sure the collar is also hare's ear, but you're right that step was cut out of the video. I guess you need to know French after all ;-)

Quite a few shorter Dessaigne instructional videos here:


The "le dubbing loop" video at the bottom is much shorter and is just about dubbing loops, though at the end he edits in a few different images of alternative ways to finish off the fly. Great, piston-action tool he has to help him with precision in the loops.

I am finding myself spending a great deal of time exploring Dessaigne's site.