Drying Wet Cellphone



New member
Mar 16, 2010
Took a spill late Thursday afternoon and forgot I had my Tracfone in my chest pocket. Continued fishing til dusk and finally realized phone was wet. Tried the phone and got a bright screen with no text, could punch in a call, but couldn't receive one. Tried wiping down phone and battery and using hair dryer when I got to my Mother's home. Called my wife and she mentioned she heard rice could be used to dry a wet phone , but she didnt know any details. To make a long story short, I did almost everything wrong before and after placing the phone in 3 pounds of rice, but after 24 hours the phone appears to be functioning perfectly. Click on site below for an excellent article on this method, with do's and don't's that I wish I had known beforehand.

Now I know time has passed me by-my first reaction was why would you have a problem drying wet cellophane ? lol
Turn it off take the battery off and place it in a bowl of dry rice for a couple of days, the rice will soak up the water. I've done a couple of times and its worked with vaying results. You may be out of luck if it got completely soaked and sat wet for hours while still on.

I've started putting my phone in a good quality zip lock bag. You can still use it while in the bag, even the touch screen on an iphone. If you take a dunk as long as you get out of the water quickly the bag usually keeps the phone dry. I haven't ruined a phone since i started the practice. Drowed 2 phones prior to that.

Good luck with your phone.
In the past I would take the battery off as soon as I noticed and then put it over the car vents for a while.

I now use a waterproof simms bag.
If it still doesn't work after you dry it out, try replacing the battery (or borrowing somebody's) before getting a new phone. Most of the time, it's the battery that goes bad.
The last thing you want to do in this situation is try and use it. The phone doesn't get damaged from water, it gets damaged from short circuiting. You want to cut power ASAP. Leave it in rice, as others suggested, and DON'T POWER IT UP OR PLUG IT IN for several days. May already be too late, but worth a shot.
If the phone is wet, it's toast. No amount of rice will save it.
I ran mine through the clothes washer once. I cracked it open and left it on the air conditioner vent for a day. Snapped it back together, good as new.
wsender wrote:
If the phone is wet, it's toast. No amount of rice will save it.

This is sooooo not true.

I have saved several phones, some numerous times by taking out the battery immediately and giving it a few days in rice.

Now, once wet the white tape turns red and as for warranty, forget it.

But its likely that the water will not damage it in the long term.

Just don't continue to try to use it while still wet.
Same goes for digital cameras - if its a point and shoot, pull the AA batteries, AND the coin battery. Also pull the SD card, since even if the camera is toast, you can still likely salvage the photos. As others have recommended, do NOT try to power the device on. I tend to want to do this, to see how much damage is done, but have learned my lesson. Power off if on, pull battery or batteries and let 'er sit for a few days.. Put the device in some sort of dessicant (rice will do, silica gel packs that come in shoes, etc. would work too).
Rice does work. I drowned my phone in the little J two years ago. It wasn't working at all when I put it into the rice, and two days later it was good as new.
The trick is to cut the juice ASAP. I washed my iPod once....still using it today.
I bought one of these and keep it in my vest now. For $2 it works just fine in making sure if I take a spill my phone won't get wet. I can also text and take pictures fairly well with it still in the case.
