Dry fly hackle



Apr 26, 2009
Ok so I have read in the forums that alot of you guys out there enjoy using the Whiting 100's. Ok my question to you is they have the different size hackles for the different size hooks correct or am I wrong?
yes, the whiting 100's are pre-sized and sold by hook size.
Ok I wasn't sure so I figured I would ask thank you.
Not the best idea, go ahead and get a full neck.
if you are poor like i am i would recommend getting the whole neck, i will simply trim the hackle if it is too long... the trout can not tell the difference. also sharpies will change the color of the hackle instead of buying 5 different colors.
Ok last question here when buying your fly-tying materials and whatnot where do you mainly turn to for any of your fly-tying supplies. Whether it be the internet or your local fly shop. I enjoyed tying from the little cheap wal-mart kit I bought years ago. And would like to eventually upgrade my tools and start buying materials and whatnot to start back into it. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I like to support the local fly sop as much as possible, but if I can't find it there, I usually go to either J. Stockard Fly Fishing or Feather-Craft Fly fishing on the internet, and for full dress salmon fly materials, Angler's Workshop.
blueheron wrote:
Not the best idea, go ahead and get a full neck.

Just depends on the tiers need's as far as size and color. In some cases the 100's are a smarter buy than a full cape.

Good luck, Tony
Now that the hairdressers have stopped buying all the hackle, I would look for Collins hackle if I had to restock.
I only buy the 100's and used to tie a lot.

I only buy materials from a fly shop where I can look at them first. Well, unless it's something like tubing or wire or even 100's. Things like PT's, dubbing packs, and partidge I buy in person.

I would say my tools are 50/50 from small guys and big box stores.
When would say the 100s are a better buy than a full neck?
I just bought a 'partial' grizzly cape on ebay. The commercial tyer uses the bigger hackles, but has no use for the smaller stuff. Got it for the price of a 100 pack, but with a lot more feathers. I'd look into it. The seller was 'flyfishingflies*com'
Coughlin wrote:
When would say the 100s are a better buy than a full neck?
If you know you're going to tie alot of a certain size then the 100's are the way to go, but if it's a color you're going to tie many different sizes with then a neck is what you want.
OK thank you lv2nymph I don't plan on tying the same size flies I prefer to tie on different types of sizes due to the finicky fishing that goes on in the Little Juniata.
I strongly believe in supporting your local fly shop. You can talk to the staff and they will answer your questions. As far as tools, they will have everything you need. I would suggest several pairs of scissors for various needs, bobbin, bobbin threader, whip finisher, hair stacker and dubbing brush. As you grow with your tying, you can upgrade as needed.
I have never bought the 100s because I don't tie just one size. I use necks because I like to use the spade feathers for tailing and tips for wings. The 100s might be a good idea, but it just really depends on what you want to get from the purchase. I would never by hackle that I couldn't take out of the bag and look at, so the local shop or a show is the only place I buy.
On clipping hackle, don't do it. At least not if you can avoid it. The fly will float fine for the most part, but it will look different from below. The blunter ends of the clipped hackle will make a larger dimple on the surface and may also break through the surface tension more readily. It also will just not look good to the eye and you will not be happy with the results. If you are desperate for hackle, consider parachute patterns where the size is less important, or comparduns,CDC wings, etc.
Coughlin wrote:
When would say the 100s are a better buy than a full neck?

It all depends on the buyers needs.

1) When someone only needs one size and color of hackle to tie a particular pattern.

2) A new tier that has a limited budget and is only buying materials for a few patterns.

3) They are also a great way to replenish bare spots in capes.

Good luck, Tony
Coughlin wrote:
When would say the 100s are a better buy than a full neck?

also if your going to tie in a very small size (20-22) instead of bying a high dollar neck to get a considerable amount of smaller stuff you can pic up just one 100 pack of white and with the aid of a sharpie have white black a grizzly covered .also i find its a lot easier to tie with saddle hackles (no use of pliers,multiple flies, flies that have the same size hackle ,only need one feather of each size for tavel kit) still though id say get the neck then when you have the size picked thourgh pick up a hundred pack (or split a half saddle or so with a buddy ) if you use the 12-16 up on a neck just get a sz14 100 pack and get over the oversized undersized porportions