Drought Broken?



Active member
Sep 13, 2006
Now in South East PA. We are 3.67 inches behind normal rainfall for the but in Sept we've had less then an inch of rain, and it's been weeks before that that we've had rain. There is no rain in the forecast for at least a week. The streams have cooled down and the fishing has picked up but the streams are in sad shape.
The closest we came to a good soaking rain was Aug 20,21 when we had almost 2.00 inches. It hasn't rained more then .40 inches since. But we aren't listed in the drought watch or warning.
Was out on the Monocacy and LL today. Both are very low and clear. Long range forecasts don't predict much if any rain. Next week I'm going on my annual fall camping fishing trip. Good thing I picked Cumberland Cty for this trip.
It hasn't rained in a week and and a 2 weeks before that. t...unless they took some off from the rain in the end of August...its unlikely we've recovered except statistically. Appears they took several counties off.

I am still hoping for a tropical storm to make it's way north.
I was up at Coburn this week and Penns is in bad shape, also checked out Elk creek,WOW, really low didn't bother fishing either.

Did fish Spring a couple of days, it's low but fishable!


Hopefully it will keep raining today. I'd love to get out this evening or tomorrow, but my wife is scheduled to be induced on Wed. and I don't think I can sell her on letting me take another trip.
I am glad it's raining somewhere. Dry as a bone in da burgh.
We got .2'' Sat morning. (Del Co.) You know it's been awhile when you wake up to the sound of rain and your first thought is ,''I must be dreaming! '' Don't worry, I've got some driveway grading and dirt moving happening this week; should produce some heavy rain.