drilling and NYC



Well-known member
May 29, 2009
I keep getting e-mails about drilling in the delaware watershed and how it could potentially contaminate the drinking water for millions, etc, etc, etc.
what about the rest of us?? what makes the people of NYC any more important than the citizens of PA?
where are the outrages about contaminating my water?
just venting.
bikerfish wrote:
I keep getting e-mails about drilling in the delaware watershed and how it could potentially contaminate the drinking water for millions, etc, etc, etc.
what about the rest of us?? what makes the people of NYC any more important than the citizens of PA?
where are the outrages about contaminating my water?
just venting.

hey, if it has to happen, I'd rather have it happen to NYC. They use a lot more gas than I do, so why shouldn't they share in the risk.

OK, I'm being just a little sarcastic. but which will create more outcry, Contaminating NYC water supply, or Bikerfish's and FarmerDave's wells. It is all about what is more dramatic to the general public.

Shut the gas off to NYC and then we will see how loud they cry for more drilling in our backyards.
bikerfish wrote:
I keep getting e-mails about drilling in the delaware watershed and how it could potentially contaminate the drinking water for millions, etc, etc, etc.
what about the rest of us?? what makes the people of NYC any more important than the citizens of PA?
where are the outrages about contaminating my water?
just venting.

NY State, for the moment, is fairly unified on this. Most exploratory committees regarding the matter have determined that if fracking comes to NY State, that it will most likely not be allowed in the Delaware Water Shed and the Fingerlakes Watershed.

As with a lot of issues in NYS, there is a lot of power getting the downstate vote on an issue, as they outnumber Upstaters. I could see how this might turn into an issue of Downstaters feeling 'superior' to others, but I think issues like this are being raised to bolster support against fracking in all NYS residents.

Unfortunately, I think it's only a matter of time until fracking comes to NYS. Enormous budget shortfalls need to be met somehow and the lobbying power of the oil/gas industry is enormous.
NYC has pretty much ruled the Delaware water flows without concern, but then again they built the dams that created the upper D fishery.

Bet that NY is smart enough to tax it though . . .
Grrr.... I voted for Corbett. Can I have my vote back? Can voters do a recall in PA? Seriously, like the way the hippies did in California. Can we do that here in Pee-Aye?
I would be interested in a recall vote. While it might sound a little like a third world philosophy, we seem to have a third world dictator at the states helm. I am serious about looking at a recall in the very, very near future.

Jim Kearney
lets get the ball rollin on a recall. first, how? haha
i actually just read that there is NOT a recall vote in PA. Is this true? I read that there was a committee composing a bill right now to start a recall vote but that would obviously have to be approved by our state government AND be signed by the man it would be removing.

Does anyone know if there is any truth to this?
I will spend some time next week looking into this. I think if enough people would have an interest, no vote would be needed, the message may be enough. BUT, I still will research this.

Jim Kearney

I would be very interested in this, too. Did you come up with anything encouraging? I know MANY folks who would support this action.

The core problem is the voters don't have good candidates from which to choose so they tend to mindlessly vote for whomever is NOT in office. This is what we get.

Mike Waskovich, independent, thoughtful voter
FlySwatter wrote:

I would be very interested in this, too. Did you come up with anything encouraging? I know MANY folks who would support this action.

The core problem is the voters don't have good candidates from which to choose so they tend to mindlessly vote for whomever is NOT in office. This is what we get.

Mike Waskovich, independent, thoughtful voter

Sounds like an oxymoron to me. To know if the candidates are good it would seem to require some thought. Then voters become mindless?
Think he just meant they pick what they think will be the lesser evil. Purely based on the fact we haven't seen the new guys evil yet. This is why I do not vote. There is not one that I trust nor one that I fear any more or less than the next. sad,true story.