Drill baby drill!



Well-known member
Sep 10, 2006
Greensburg, PA

So according to this article the Republicans saying during the last presidential campaign that we MUST allow this was just a big lie?

Because now, it seems, that because Obama wants to allow it, its really not going to make much difference? :roll:

So offshore drilling for oil and gas is only a success if its a Republican idea?

I found that funny. The tea baggers are all rolling their eyes and saying stuff like "it's not enough!", or "obama is just doing this as political posturing before he rams cap and trade through!!!1". Give me a break. These people are making it clear that they will oppose anything that the current administration tries to do. Just like they opposed what is basically the same health care bill that republicans wrote as an alternative to the clinton healthcare plan. It's really quite sad.
It is funny, and you guys are absolutely right about the republicans, but it works both ways. What are those dems who were staunchly opposed to the drilling saying now that Obama supports it?
I think the people that were in staunch opposition still are.

As for the majority of democrats, I am unaware of the distribution of those in favor, or opposed. I'd be interested in seeing the numbers, and I would certainly laugh if what you're implying is the case.

Regardless, the current GOP is raising the bar for contrarian politics right now. I'm not sure that can be denied.
Is Obama permitting drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge? This administration will balance the interests differently than the last and the blueprints will not be drafted solely by the Oil Industry. That is the difference and you can bank on it.
I think everyone, both republicans and dems, simply paused. It's like..

"Exactly. Wait, no, what? Now what am I supposed to support?"

I still think its funny.
Jack, no, not the Alaskan wildlife refuge. All offshore stuff. He has opened the entire east coast (Delaware to central Florida), as well as the entire north coast of Alaska in the Arctic Ocean. He also called for opening the eastern gulf to drilling, but that will take an act of Congress, as drilling there was banned by Congress under Clinton. The East Coast and the Arctic apparantly don't require congressional approval.
Contrarian politics, indeed. It's all about:
1. how can I get MYSELF re-elected
2. How can I get MY PARTY back in (or stay in) POWER.

It's transparent if you look straight at it. That's why the politicos excel at subterfuge.

BTW: Does anyone find it ironic that that the "conservatives" support conservation the least?