Downstream Presentation



Active member
Oct 18, 2006
In the past few weeks I've used a downstream presentation for several reasons. Mostly, due to structure being in the way, like an overhung tree. I've had much success with takes, however few hookups. I see a good drag free drift on either a dry or a nymph (not always, but I'm getting better) and when I do get a take, when I go to set the hook, I end up just pulling the fly right out of the fishes mouth. I've tried being more patient, but then the fish just spits the fly. I like the success it's given me compared to upstream tactics, though I am not limiting myself to either. But I would like to know any suggestions to help my hookup rate. Thanks for all the help guys!

I dont know how you strike but instead of whipping the rod up try simply raising your arm while putting tension on the line gently. Thats how I do it any way.
(quick post before i head home)
I've learned not to set the hook like i'm fishing a spinning rod for bass. I do mostly what you suggested, either lift the rod tip gently or hand strip the line, still with little hookups.
Try both at the same time. Not too gentle not too hard just a consistent "lift".
Also try swinging wets.......I love swinging a telico or smoky mountain blackbird softhackle or a hare's ear wet in faster pocket water. Don't worry about a drag free drift, keep a taught line, and twitch it a little on the swing to immitate an emerging caddis and set the hook if you feel anything different.........DEADLY.
Fish face upstream as we all know. When you fish a dry fly upstream and set the hook, you set it back towards the fish. When you fish a dry downstream and you set the hook you are pulling away from the fish and out of it’s out of his mouth. You have to delay a second or two for him to take the fly and turn down before you set the hook. I miss a lot more fishing while fishing a dry downstream too, but it’s a great tactic to try in certain situations.
Alright, to be more precise, fish face INTO THE CURRENT to hold or feed. In eddies or certain places with an obstruction the current can reversed from the rest of the stream, and fish face what we would percieve as downstream. BTW - these are some of the most difficult areas to get a good drift and fish successfully.
I really like using the downstream presntation, there`s a good book that talks about using it its called....slack line strategies for fly fishing..... by john judy
I was just thinking about this on the way home yesterday. It seems this year all I've been doing is downstream presentations and the hook set must be gentle. I try to envision just pulling the hook up into the trout's lip. It really is a feel thing. I went yesterday with two dudes who just started flyfishing this year. We all were doing the same thing, swinging Mr. Willy Bugger downstream. My one buddy didn't catch any, the other landed two. They both had plenty of strikes. I landed 9. We didn't fish very long but we hit pretty much the same spots. Often, I'll feel one or two strikes before I feel the one I need. Then, gently up.