Down, but not out!



May 11, 2007
Had a bit of bad luck recently. Hurt my leg playing tennis, and of course put off seeing a doctor because if my Achilles tendon was really ruptured I would be in lots of pain, right? As soon as the doctor examined me he got hold of a surgeon and set up the procedure. Epidural, and reconstruction, but outpatient, thank goodness!) All went well, and I am in day 4, (seems like forever) of recovery. Had to cancel my reservation for three days on Spring Creek, which has caused me more pain than the surgery. Other than some pain, which I am controlling with Vicaden, (please excuse spelling and grammatical errors) things are going OK. I realise how lucky I am to have a wife and daughter who love me, and that my procrastination didn't have more serious repercussions. Also, I'm getting a lot more time to practice my blues harp and vocals. I'll be on crutches for at least ten more days, so I'll start knocking out a bunch of flies, soon. The main point of this rant, if anyone is still here; Life is too short! If you get hurt and it isn't healing within a few days, see the doctor. Talked to someone who didn't, (same injury) and he was in a cast for months and his rehab went on forever. Hope you guys have a great Jamboree, with lots of hatches, and good stream levels. Good luck and good health to all; don't forget to take the time to just enjoy being ou there!
Don't tell me that....

I dislocated my knee (it was fully out) a few years ago and still never formally got it checked.

I know what they're gonna say when I go :-(