Don't you just hate being lied to?



Active member
Apr 1, 2009
From my recent trip to Yellow Creek in Bedford county , and conversations i had with two brothers who were there from Ligonier , i realize that i was lied to pretty good by the crew who was drilling the gas well on Little Paint Creek last deer season , the one thing that really got me was that they told us "we recycle all the water we use" but now i realize there is a ton of water left over at the end of the operation that they plan to "evaporate" , which in reality means leaving it sit in the makeshift pond to probably seep into the ground water before it "evaporates" . I got an earfull and i'm not happy about being lied too , this could mean war. Anyone got a match?
Settle down. In order to lie one must know the truth.
Jack , surely you're not suggesting that some employers would deliberatly give their employees false information? I wish i knew you when i was a grievanceman , i'm glad to know ya now.
Had a landman here today wanting to lease the gas rights to some property that I own. That SOB was lying through his teeth and I know it. Looking forward to seeing and reviewing the lease to see for sure how bad I was getting lied to:)
There'll be drinks on the house when Festus gets his payday. That'll be a happy day in Dodge City!
I have to be honest here and say that if approached by the gas companies "landman" i don't think i'd start out at "absolutly not" i might end up at "No thanks" but honestly i'd look into the details first before i just came out and said "NO" to be totally honest i'd probably end up at "no thanks" but i would look into it if for nothing else than the knowledge of how it works. From hanging around the few rigs in my vicinity , they are all near trout steams , and talking to folks , landowners and gas company workers , the amount of money they are offering for the leases makes it almost an offer that struggling , rural folks can't refuse. For awhile there were signs posted around the area for a law firm that was offering assistance to folks with obtaining the best outcome with their lease aggreements , i don't see those signs anywhere anymore but perhaps it's because that phase is over. Festus............maybe you could use the oppertunity to pick this guys brain a little bit and come up with some info that might help folks down the road when the "landman" comes knockin. Gotta be a song in there somewhere "when the landman comes knockin" heh.
I tell you what. Some of the leases they are suposedly offering in PA? I'd turn them down. No way i would agree to a long term lease.