don't they know?!!



Well-known member
May 29, 2009

I guess nobody told the township supervisors that drilling companies get special treatment and don't have to follow the rules that everyone else does.
This is good to see. At least someone in Pa is taking back control of the situation. Like so many people in this state we are not necessarily opposed to drilling we just want to make sure it is being done as safely as possible. This means oversight and strict regulations. This will cause the gas companies to throw a temper tantrum but just like a kid if you stick to your guns they will get used to it. They aren't going anywhere!
jeff wrote:
This is good to see. At least someone in Pa is taking back control of the situation. Like so many people in this state we are not necessarily opposed to drilling we just want to make sure it is being done as safely as possible. This means oversight and strict regulations. This will cause the gas companies to throw a temper tantrum but just like a kid if you stick to your guns they will get used to it. They aren't going anywhere!

I don't see how this is related to key drilling issues. It's a debate about on site temporary housing of workers. The article doesn't go into arguments as to pros and cons promoted by either side of the issue. It just describes the political battle that is shaping up in the township.
Whatever Franklin.... We all know by now your stance on drilling without too much oversight, regulation or additional tax.. Maybe you could get a job with Corbett and the rest of his yes men. To each his own. But the simple fact is that the rule in the township is no bunk houses on drilling sites! Doesn't matter if it is a key drilling issue or not. It is a rule. Tell me if they can't follow this simple rule what others are they breaking?
Seems to me Range Resources didn't do their due diligence in Washington Township. Wow, 100 wells drilled in 34 square miles.

Consider this, local economic impact is reduced if the workers can stay in bunk houses....cook in bunk houses....shower in bunk houses. So much for the local economic boon.

The only ones profitting there are the lease holders...and the costs are kept to a minimum so profits are maximized with the bunk houses.....Its simple economics.

Where is RR gonna go? Philadelphia? Tell them to bend over and take it. Good for the Twp.

Preview of coming attractions: Corbett will strong arm the township. You watch.
jeff wrote:
Whatever Franklin.... We all know by now your stance on drilling without too much oversight, regulation or additional tax.. Maybe you could get a job with Corbett and the rest of his yes men. To each his own. But the simple fact is that the rule in the township is no bunk houses on drilling sites! Doesn't matter if it is a key drilling issue or not. It is a rule. Tell me if they can't follow this simple rule what others are they breaking?

Range Resources is arguing that state laws override the township ordinances and they can legally put bunkhouses on pad sites. So it will probably be up to the courts to determine who is right.

As to my position on related issues, I suggest you re-read my posts since you are miss understanding my positions. I've done a lot of research on drilling and related conservation issues. Having a technical background and some resources in the energy fields. My focus is on what the challenges are and sound engineering methods for solutions. This is what I base my positions on. Not emotional reactions. Visit almost any industrial activity and it will look ugly. One must get past that reaction to properly analyze the situation.
Maurice wrote:
Seems to me Range Resources didn't do their due diligence in Washington Township. Wow, 100 wells drilled in 34 square miles.

Consider this, local economic impact is reduced if the workers can stay in bunk houses....cook in bunk houses....shower in bunk houses. So much for the local economic boon.

The only ones profitting there are the lease holders...and the costs are kept to a minimum so profits are maximized with the bunk houses.....Its simple economics.

Where is RR gonna go? Philadelphia? Tell them to bend over and take it. Good for the Twp.

Preview of coming attractions: Corbett will strong arm the township. You watch.

It probably does reduce the boost to the local economy in that situation. But it does put crews and supervisor on site in case there are issues. When pads are on state forest land it should reduce the impact on forest roads. Still there is more going on here than meets the eye. It's rare that a township government would hold out this strongly. One has to wonder what else is in play?
franklin wrote:
jeff wrote:
Whatever Franklin.... We all know by now your stance on drilling without too much oversight, regulation or additional tax.. Maybe you could get a job with Corbett and the rest of his yes men. To each his own. But the simple fact is that the rule in the township is no bunk houses on drilling sites! Doesn't matter if it is a key drilling issue or not. It is a rule. Tell me if they can't follow this simple rule what others are they breaking?

Range Resources is arguing that state laws override the township ordinances and they can legally put bunkhouses on pad sites. So it will probably be up to the courts to determine who is right.

As to my position on related issues, I suggest you re-read my posts since you are miss understanding my positions. I've done a lot of research on drilling and related conservation issues. Having a technical background and some resources in the energy fields. My focus is on what the challenges are and sound engineering methods for solutions. This is what I base my positions on. Not emotional reactions. Visit almost any industrial activity and it will look ugly. One must get past that reaction to properly analyze the situation.

I have read your posts..... They are most definetly in favor of what is the status quo. Your posts on this subject are more of the same. If your posts and conclusions were strictly based on analysis without emotion you would have skipped answering this thread. You see when you analyze this situation the facts bear that they are breaking an ordinace of this municipality by having bunkhouses on the drilling sites. Peroid end of story.