Don't harass fishermen!



Active member
Feb 16, 2012
Interesting series of videos by this ******.

Turns out he and his brother have continually harassed and filmed fishermen and others legally using this property. It isn't even his property. And now he and his brother will be doing time in jail for this harassment. I've often seen areas posted by people who are not the owners. Also have been harassed by people who don't own the land. It's nice to see these clowns got fines and jail time.

I'll post the link to the report of their arrest below.
jail time for harassing fishermen.
Serves them right. Hopefully they will learn but I have a feeling they wont..
If this was 1850.............
They will blame it all on our current president.
foxtrapper1972 wrote:
Interesting series of videos by this ******.

Turns out he and his brother have continually harassed and filmed fishermen and others legally using this property. It isn't even his property. And now he and his brother will be doing time in jail for this harassment. I've often seen areas posted by people who are not the owners. Also have been harassed by people who don't own the land. It's nice to see these clowns got fines and jail time.

I'll post the link to the report of their arrest below.

It is his property, at least indirectly. The land is owned by a corporation; the board of the corporation is made up of Parcells family members. Each member is a voting member (although what they are voting on, I don't know). I'm not sure what his end game is - more fish to himself?

I like Michigan's public access test - "The Floating Log Test". If the stream could be used to float timber, it is navigable.
salmonid says-"It is his property, at least indirectly. The land is owned by a corporation; the board of the corporation is made up of Parcells family members. Each member is a voting member (although what they are voting on, I don't know)."

You are right about them owning it but it is more complicated. They are not the sole owners and are part of a group as you say. The group has made it known publicly that they want the area to remain open to accessing the stream. They have actually apologized for the actions of the brothers. These two are going against the controlling/voting members wishes and are breaking the law as well. I just noticed this court case happened a few yrs back. I looked at their youtube site again. Apparently the harassers are back at it and continue posting videos of their activities.

I like their law too. We need something similar here in PA.
Seems as though the man who made the videos "happy place in life" is annoying other people. Some folks are just that way.
They seem a little messed up in the head to me. Hope they learn their lesson, but they probably won't.
Yeah, these two brothers seem mildly mentally ill to me. They have been told repeatedly in the videos by various anglers that everyone and anyone who is legally licensed may fish that spot...yet they are completely and endlessly obsessed with pushing people out. Very strange behavior.
I recently experienced something like this while out fishing in Berks County with two members of this forum. A guy came up to us after we parked and asking if we were planning on fishing...of course we were with waders on and fly rods in hand. I told him yes, we were planning on getting in at that spot and fishing upstream.

He then told me we couldn't park where we were as it was posted. I didn't want to get into a whole right of way discussion and I am fairly sure it wasnt even his property...but I bit my tongue. He actually said "we might be able to go across the bridge" but then followed that with "but its posted all the way up to [the next nearest town, two miles upstream]."

I said thanks and said we'd go look upstream. Now, I knew he was full of crap because is NOT posted upstream, nor up from the bridge was parked at. In fact, I know one of the landowners--they've been family friends for about 30 years. No need to argue with him though. So we drove up a bit then ended up looking back as the best parking was on the upstream side of the bridge. We got out and started fishing.

About 15 minutes go by and I look up as I hear some noise. I see the guy in a jeep yelling and waving his arms. One of the two guys with me said he stopped and took pictures of our cars and said he was calling the police and that we were trespassing. It shook him up so much he left. My other companion and I stayed as we know our rights and we knew were fine there.

Interestingly enough about 30 minutes later one of the homeowners came down to get her mail and talked to us. She said we were welcome and that she and the upstream home owners were all fine with with people fishing there and that's why none of them posted it. She also implied that she was well aware of the tactics of the jerk we dealt with, so its not his first time. Now I'm thinking I should report him. I wonder if PA has similar laws? He was very hostile and I will admit that he even jangled my nerves a bit.
Are these the same guys who were convicted in the videos? If so they were convicted 2011 yet have videos in 2012 doing the same stuff.... They were on a 2 yr probation. My math skills suck....... Am i missing something?!?!

Convicted march 2011. Jailed 5 days. June 2011 still doing it?!? Shew!