Does anyone know if valley creek is fish-able



Dec 29, 2010
I was wondering if any one had been by valley creek because I wanted to know if it is frozen or just bad fishing.

Thanks Will
Check the USGS stream flow site.
It is fishable all year.
yo will - the same quarry/spring water that keeps Valley relatively cool in the summer also keeps it relatively warm, when freestoners like Ridley ice up.

The good news is this is one of those increasingly rare winters when you can ice skate on some of the ponds.
I fished Valley on Saturday and it was completely free of ice.
Wait for warming trends and try and be there during the warmest hours. If you catch one of two consider it a win. I fish there once a week. PM me if you want. I log everything.
willdeb wrote:
I was wondering if any one had been by valley creek because I wanted to know if it is frozen or just bad fishing.

Thanks Will

Ain't that the truth :)