Does anyone fish Darby Ck at Kent Park east of Clifton Heights?



Well-known member
Nov 10, 2006
Because of a dam removal and the required follow-up with fish population and habitat eval surveys, I have been to the subject park a few times. One gets there by taking Bridge St north from East Baltimore Ave. and then working one's way down through the neighborhood street to the park after crossing the bridge. The habitat is very good at the downstream mowed section of the park where the stream enters the woods (rocky, fast flow, good gradient) in comparison to other parts of the stream that we have Electrofished. If you are familiar with this specific spot, I would be interested in learning from you whether or not this excellent habitat continues downstream for quite some distance or whether it is short lived. By the way, we did find enough trout in there to make fishing worthwhile about 1.5 wks ago. I would have walked that stretch myself, but on all occasions that I have been there it has been near the end of the work day and we were looking at a 1 hr 45 min drive IF traffic did not get the best of us late in the day.
Funny, I almost fished that today, but went somewhere else local instead. I don't remember the good habitat lasting for a great distance but haven't fished the bottom stretch in several years. The dam below the dog park got removed? I always did pretty well around the upper dam and the riffles in that area. I'll make it a point of investigating as soon as I get some free time. I'm only about 15 min. from there. The traffic can be pretty brutal, for sure.
Ok, I got a chance to check out the dam removal area today. Unfortunately I couldn't really fish it since I was on a short leash time wise. On top of that there had been a contest there recently so the place was mobbed. Kudos to whoever did the project; a large silt pool is now respectable trout water, and the rocks and bank stabilization seems to be holding up well; since we have had some severe rains. Talked to a couple guys who assured me they have caught trout well below that point. I will fish that downstream when I get a decent block of time and report back.
Fished it today on the way home from KLG, below the dog park. Fished from 8am till noon, started right below the bridge and worked down stream. Some nice runs right below the bridge but a lot of people fishing and dogs in the water. Went a good bit below very nice water and landed a few and rolled a bunch of trout.