Do earthquakes help ffishing?



Well-known member
Sep 13, 2006
Chester County
Kind of irrelevant right now with the heat waves and consequent high water temps/low DOs, but yesterday's 2.2 Richter was centered around the spilling basin on the Tulpy. A five second loud booming sound was reported, and I imagine some heavy vibration was propagated through the water. I know folks who have ffished (successfully) during a solar eclipse, but how about quakes? Of course, eclipses are predictable, and not so for the shakers.
lol! Good question. How does an earthquake affect fish?

This might shock you, but I have no idea, or even a hypothesis at this point.
I would expect that they felt tremors and knew it was coming long before any of us felt it. But this does give me an idea for a new excuse... fish were turned off by seismic activity that evades human perception.
pcray1231 wrote:
lol! Good question. How does an earthquake affect fish?

This might shock you, but I have no idea, or even a hypothesis at this point.

Not shocked. Just disappointed. ;-)
Do earthquakes help ffishing?

I'll have to check my notes. ;-)

Yo Pat

re "This might shock you, but I have no idea, or even a hypothesis at this point." -

I'm shocked, shocked, I say. Maybe also even surprised. Any good scientist should be able to devise a theory about most anything, given even one fact. lol
I'm guessing they feel it. Hell, if they can feel pressure changes stemming from atmospheric changes that happen slowly over hours, then the pressure from sound waves is like a 400 lb dude doing a cannonball a few inches above you, and an earthquake, well.....

Swimming pools frequently generate standing waves and overflow in heavier earthquakes. I'd imagine the water currents in streams get very chaotic as well.

Ok, hypothesis (based on nothing). I bet it spooks them for a bit. But I bet they recover pretty quickly.
Sorry, double post. Please delete this one.
Pat, For a second there, I was afraid you were goin to reference how me walking near my pond used to generate a reaction from my fish.

Now that I have cattle near the pond, it must drive them crazy.;-)

But you are correct. Have none of you seen Jurassic park, and the ripples in the water?

OK, that was only for humor and was actually done with a guitar, but...

Earthquakes generate low frequency which travels very well through the earth and can also transfer easily to water.

I also used to be an Engineer for the Navy working with Sonar.

So if you can feel it, it's likey that fish can too.

But do they react to it?

Possibly, but not as much as they would from someone dropping a beer can in their aluminum boat, or even if I waded by.;-)
