DJI Phantom Aerial View of Kettle Creek



Jan 6, 2014
Took a group of family and friends to Kettle this past Friday and decided to do some filming. Member "Heberly" tagged along and we had a decent evening. Water temps were 72 when we got there around 3:00PM and ended up dropping to 68 I believe at dusk.

Fish were actively feeding on top at 4:00 and continued to steady rise until 8:00 then it slowed down.

Fish were hitting on anything from size 12 adams, size 12 royal wulff, 14 BWO, 14 black gnat, 14 yellow sulphur, 16, adams, 16 bwo, 18 bwo, 20 trico and 20 black ant. The more we switched the more success we had.

All in all between the 5 of us we probably hooked up around 30-35 times.

Time to start heading for colder water, all the tribs of Kettle should be good to go in the upcoming weeks.

(PS. all of the people in the video are friends or family of mine and allowed me to shoot this. Id never do this publically)

Thanks for checking it out!

Very Cool.
Sweet, that is awesome. Thanks for sharing.
cool vid, but if I see drones they get shot here..
Thanks for the warning. I wouldn't get to trigger happy on public land. Might be a 1600$ shot. Maybe it's worth it to ya I don't know how much money ya got :)
Very Cool -- Better than the one on the front page!
Why $1600 ? Is there some kind of fine for downing a drone? Wonder what the law says regarding trespass and private property extending into "air space"?
If you are a private property owner, you have air rights on your property up to the point that an aircraft can safely operate. With modern aircraft, this could be up to 500 feet and you'd have to work through how the FAA prescribes the height that aircraft can reasonably safely operate. With the advent of drones, this number may decrease, because you don't need as much safety space to operate a drone as you do a larger aircraft. And prior to the advent of flight (basically anytime before the 20th century), a private landowner owned all the air above their property.

I think the $1600 price tag might be what said drone costs.
I'm so glad you asked! FAA has limitations to who can and cannot fly manned or unmanned aircrafts in controlled airspace.

DJI Phantom 2 has a firmware update that automatically alerts me via the transmitter that I am near controlled airspace.

Even though the FAA has no regulation on drones itself, the firmware still blocks it from flying in controlled airspace in certain big cities as well as airports.

drones are approved to fly in class G airspace which is 1200 feet. (just as long as im not near an airport or in controlled airspace)

So the $1600 you ask? Well that would be the total cost of the drone+gopro :)

I would never fly this on private property without permission. Thanks to those who like the post
I remember when these 'drones' were called radio controlled airplanes and helicopters....and we flew them all over the place with no issues. But we didn't have cameras hanging underneath 'em either, times change.
That's why he have to be super careful where I fly
it. Having a remote copter is one thing then add video to it and it becomes a privacy issue.
nice. may i ask what part of kettle?
outstanding footage.

two questions - one, is that a 3, or 3+ ? and two, have you thought about using it to demonstrate or analysing casts ?

be cool to see them from above imho.
It was between leidy and trout run.

And Geebee I never thought of that. It's a hero 3+ black. I'm trying to capture a hookset first lol

for double handed casting especially it would be very very useful.
Very cool video. My ADD kicking in makes me want one of those, but then my boss (you know who that is) reminds me that if I add a hobby, I must delete one.
Can a down rigger clip be mounted on that thing