DIY Steelhead Landing Mitt



Well-known member
Oct 2, 2006
SW PA, Greensburg
I seem to have lost the fine mesh landing mitt I purchased in Erie a couple years ago, so I got to thinking... I have an old trout net with similar mesh that I never use. I asked my wife if she could stitch a simple mitten from the mesh material I removed from the old net. 20 minutes later she had made two (one for me and one for my cousin).

Great idea. Now did the old mitt help you grip the chromer better or was it simply to keep your skin off the fish and to help keep it wet. If it was for grip will this mesh help?
The mitt is for tailing the fish and it provides tremendous grip compared to a bare hand. I find carrying a net large enough to be useful for steelhead is more trouble than I'm willing to tolerate. The landing mitt allows me to control my catch for hook removal without having to completely beach the fish.
I use an a/n surplus wool glove, make sure it is wet before touching the fish. It is a bit thicker than just mesh witch is an advantage when tailing fish with tail hooks.
Alby, i too have a homemade tailing mitt consisting of a small soft mesh pouch with velcro seal (think it contained a cheap poncho originally). Hooked it up to a zip line from waist belt.
That's a GOOD idea for a couple places we go , where nets were just a pain and then we'd break 'em , can't remember the name of the trib , but right above the lake there is a sharp turn with rip-rap , that mit would work much better there than a net and not as much to carry and move.