Didymo studies indicate not as bad as predicted



Feb 13, 2009
This doesn't mean we shouldn't take precautions, but Didymo may not be as bad to river fauna as originally predicted. It may be more of a pain to fishermen, especially nymphing.

Read more here - http://turningoversmallstones.blogspot.com/2011/01/didymosphenia-geminata.html

Be sure to read the "Eddies" magazine article beginning on page 22.
Nope. Not bad at all.


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Interesting read. Thanks for the link Stalker.
I would add a couple of things to the original post.
First is I couldn't find anything about didymo's effect on recruitment. The NZ studies, while good, were limited to immediate/medium term impacts on invertebrate communities, trout and their native fish. There are no studies that I have found that have looked at spawning success and subsequent young of the year numbers. In connection, even though the NZ field studies go back to 2006 that is not a long time when speaking about population turn over and multi-generation effects. They don't yet know if their famous fisheries are going to continue being the apple of FFers eyes or start to wane.

And jdaddy is right - aesthetically you simply don't want this stuff in your creek. The worst thing that could happen is that, in light of short term scientific studies, less attention is payed to the "check, clean and dry" mantra because it "isn't really that bad."
