DEVILS HOLE CREEK, Monroe Co. (I think)



New member
Feb 10, 2011
Has anyone fished Devils Hole near Mt. Pocono recently ?
I realize it is small water and should adjust my expectations accordingly. Just wondering......
I know it is a go to spot for a lot of guys. I don't fish trickles, so I can't really help. However, I am sure someone will.
I have fished it once. It was nice. some ineteresting stuff for family to explore also. Saw a bear and some hunters.
It's been about 10 years since I last fished it, but I recollect the following.

The area DS of the game lands was private and the owners declined us permission to fish there, so we stayed in the SGL.

We caught a few small brown trout as I recall. A 7 foot 4 wt seems about right for that stream.

There are the ruins of an old lodge or tavern up in the valley. I have heard it was a speak-easy during prohibition, but don't know if that's true.

The last time I visited was shortly after a major storm had caused a massive avulsion of the stream (the previous channel was completely filled with bed-load materials and the stream had cut an entirely new channel), which was fascinating to see. I would like to return to see how the stream has evolved since then.
I haven't fished it in a couple years but drove over it and other small Pocono streams yesterday. They were a little low but looked fishable.

In my experience the better fishing in the gamelands is upstream of the parking area off Devil's Hole road. The stream is down a steep hill from the lot. Follow the trail past the old ruins.
I fished it about two or three weeks ago. Take the trail down from the state game parking lot. I fished upstream until it reaches private property, just above the first and second falls. Below the falls I caught a mix of small browns and brook trout. Above the falls it was all brookies.

As far as brook trout streams go, you have a decent amount of room to cast. Just fish upstream and be careful not to spook any fish. An elk hair caddis is all you really need.
I fished it last year. Pretty steam and some nice brookies. I kept running into posted land. Probably did not know where to look.
Devils Hole is not a trickle, unless you happen to go during a really bad drought. Usually fishing up from the trail will produce fish and it is a mixed population, though the last couple of times I didn't catch any brookies down the lower end.
It used to be that below the falls as you moved upstream you started catching predominately brookies, then above the falls it was all brookies. It may be changed from that, at least the evidence tells me maybe the upper end is the only place to catch brookies.
In a good year there is plenty of flow. I've been told that some years when there is a serious drought the pools can be separated by bare rock. It is easy to wade, and there's plenty of casting room. Fish grow to nice sizes there, it's worth the trip. As of right now there are hatches of sulphurs probably just starting, after that there are several species of cahills, then in late June there are yellow drakes. There may even be green drakes there, but I've never seen them but know a couple of other streams in the area that have them. Yellow stones in #14 will be hatching all summer, and there will be various sizes of tan caddis hatching sporadically. Then in fall the fall caddis. But a big stimulator will catch 'em too.
Thank you all for your complete and encouraging reports. Gonna try to get there sooner than later - we all know how that works out.
Anyway, thanks again.