DEP Mystery -- Where is this methane gas coming from?



Sep 18, 2009
Sadly, Lillte Muncy Creek in Lycoming County has made the news --probably a result of gas drilling.
Interesting. Could be natural, or could be another leaking well, ala Dimock. Company, at this point anyway, seems to be handling it better, though.


Water wells and bubbling in streams noted near gas pad, confirmed to be methane. Tests are underway by DEP to determine whether its shallow gas (natural) or shale gas (leaking gas well). Company is cooperating with investigation. Company turned over their own pre-drilling testing, which showed similar amounts of methane in the water table. The DEP has requested the "pre-drill" tests that were done by independent sources, data not yet available. Until cause is determined, the company has stopped all drilling/fracking activity in the whole county, voluntarily vented the pipes for the affected homeowners, and is supplying potable water.
Methane migration is a fact of living in the NC PA area. HOWEVER, I believe the root cause is the gas drillers hitting the shallow pockets of methane.
jjsjigs wrote:
Methane migration is a fact of living in the NC PA area. HOWEVER, I believe the root cause is the gas drillers hitting the shallow pockets of methane.
+1 I agree. Now let's see if the "experts" can figure it out.
Same Dog and Pony show.... drillers will deny that they are the cause. Resident taxpayers suffer. Drillers continue to overburden our public resources by using our schools, fire/EMS, etc., etc., without paying into the system.

More wells drilled... more methane migration... more water wells TKO'ed. New road signs at the border: Welcome to Pennsylvania... please drink bottled water! T. Corbett, Gov.
corbett probably has his hand in the bottled water industry as well.
And don't eat the produce or drink the milk... What could that waste water be good for? Too bad we couldn't export it.
jjsjigs wrote:
Same Dog and Pony show.... drillers will deny that they are the cause. Resident taxpayers suffer. Drillers continue to overburden our public resources by using our schools, fire/EMS, etc., etc., without paying into the system.

More wells drilled... more methane migration... more water wells TKO'ed. New road signs at the border: Welcome to Pennsylvania... please drink bottled water! T. Corbett, Gov.

How do they get a free ride? They pay a 9.9% state tax on gross revenue.
I'm talking about the individual driller using our public resources, such as putting their kids in my local schools, using our EMS system and not paying the leftover from when their insurance pays out the 80% (sorry I'm a paramedic and that's a pet peeve of mine)... Not paying the school taxes (that went up $200 this year)... little crap that adds up and takes away from my net in my checkbook.