Delaware River 10/3 - 10/6. Premature fishing report



Well-known member
Jun 18, 2014
I took off Friday 10/3 through Monday 10/6 to meet DaveS in NY. One last shot at D for the year. It appears that my horrible draw on weather for 2014 will continue. The forecast for heavy storms has made me already cancel the room for Friday.

Predicted summary:

Friday - Upper 60's, cloudy with thunderstorms turning Beaverkill and lower East Branch to chocolate milk. In turn the big D will also be reddish brown.

Saturday - Due to muddy water on the East and Main, we went to the West. The flow of 1380 cfs was quite stained due to silt being pulled off the bottom of the lake. Because of the rain from the night before, they drop the release to 225 cfs at 10am. The drop in flow caused us drag the boat 80% of the way to the takeout. Fortunately, the front caused 25-40 mph winds downriver which made dragging easier and fishing impossible.

Sunday - Clearing conditions and cold in the morning....or so I was told. After Saturdays bad experience, I sat on the motel porch drinking until 4am and then slept until 1pm. Drove out to look at rivers.....still muddy and jacked up. Ordered a pizza and watched football. More lager and passing out.

Monday - Frustrated, I leave a 9am and come home to play golf.

I don't have a crystal ball but lets see how close I am. I'll post report at the end of each day.

I'll pack a frisbe and we can just take Kramer over to Bard Parker!

And I already bought two cases of beer.
Ouch! That's the trouble with a pre-planned trip, have to take what you get for conditions.
Beer, friends, Frisbee, beer, dog, beer, friends, food, beer, fishing is the bonus
DaveS, what kind of beer are going to bring Friday night to the Caddis Summit (I would hate to duplicate your efforts)? You and K2 should attend the entire Caddis Summit instead of the D. Andy just wants to go up and row...

K2, in my crystal ball, I see you bringing your rain to the Summit and catching "brookies"!!!

If either of you would like to learn some advanced frisbee skills...I can hook you up!
Yeah if you boys get rained out, Dave knows where the cabin is. Saturday is our "big water" day, so K2 you can still spin fish...I mean use streamers.
Articulated greenie weenie.or October caddis larva with a stinger hook? Lmao

After driving 3.5 hours one direction, I doubt I'm turning around and driving 1-2 hours in a different direction. Dave will pull in Saturday to find me in overalls, sitting on a hay bale on the front lawn of the capra. Just close enough to the exit ramp that I'm able to give city folk directions back to NYC....or up Peas Eddy road to meet Mr. Jennings. LOL

Maybe we can help Ray net eels and get a little cameo on national geographic's "filthy riches".

My buddy and I are still going for it as well. Heading up thursday night still and going to float the main on friday.
Stop by the Lehigh on the way instead
See Kray....Shouldve gone up with me this past weekend...Who needs work anyways? Your report might be right. Although it may blow out your trip, they really do need rain. The east was unfishable and so was the Beaverkill. Flows on the main were perfect. Accuweather is saying .86 inches of rain. With how low the flows are on the East and Beaverkill im not sure what theyll look like. Maybe the Upper East will be fishable....if not, start chucking streamers. They were doing well "supposedly" on the West with the dirty water. Who knows. As the Big D always goes, it could be epic, or it really could suck. I wouldnt doubt that before the heavy rain Saturday, fishing will be good. Ive seen it before up there. Good Luck-Kev
I am punting on the Delaware this Weekend. I may go to the Juniata to fish for smallmouth and then in less than a week it is off to the Clarion.

A couple of weeks ago it was good before and during the rain and tough afterwards.

You make your plans and take you take your chances.
NS, don't worry, if you bring the same beer as me. I will drink yours. LOL!
Dennis reports leave are just past peak..... dropping fast and furious. Combine that with rains and 30 mph winds = unfishable or 3 leaves on every cast. Yea. Trying not to be pessimistic but it looks like I'm driving 3.5 hours each way to drink beer and watch tv. Crap luck this year.
DaveS, starting with six 4-packs of Bell's Two Hearted Ale (16oz cans in a nice fishy box)...great for breakfast. One case Yuengling Larger cans.


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Good choice on Bell's Two Hearted....Beer happens to be a HUGE Passion of mine.
krayfish2 wrote:
Dennis reports leave are just past peak..... dropping fast and furious. Combine that with rains and 30 mph winds = unfishable or 3 leaves on every cast. Yea. Trying not to be pessimistic but it looks like I'm driving 3.5 hours each way to drink beer and watch tv. Crap luck this year.

Tully time?
Maybe. I'm still going and plan on launching at 6:30 and tossing streamers until the rain stops around 3. Pretty sure my arm will be sore from 1000 casts of 7wt. Maybe get an hour where the wind lays down before dark. Sunday 2-6 pm should be good and then more meat chucking Monday morning. Hopefully get a fee decent fish.
krayfish2 wrote:
Maybe. I'm still going and plan on launching at 6:30 and tossing streamers until the rain stops around 3. Pretty sure my arm will be sore from 1000 casts of 7wt. Maybe get an hour where the wind lays down before dark. Sunday 2-6 pm should be good and then more meat chucking Monday morning. Hopefully get a fee decent fish.

Give it heck, K-fish on your last trip of 2014. Good luck.

Get your time in before the HE cluster begins on the WB... :evil:
Well kray how'd it go?
I think Andy went golfing instead, and is too embarrassed to post...
