Deer hides


May 31, 2013
I have two deer hides from this past deer season that I've cleaned and stored over winter, well salted.

I want to use them to start tying some deer hair poppers for bass.

Any tips on prepping them, including, but not limited to the following areas would be greatly appreciated:

-processing them for long term storage (can't see myself using all of the hair very quickly). I'm not making a rug or coat, so basically, how much processing is required, tips, etc.
-dyeing them (what kind of dye, best colors, how to, etc.)
-how to sites on tying bugs (spinning, stacking, trimming, etc.)


Here's a good video on "spinning" the hair:

I can't comment on the rest of your questions because I purchase my deer hair already prepped.

I just cut the hide into squares and store it in gallon ziplock bags. I write on the dried hide where on the hide it came from and label the bags.
That's a lot of hair. Maybe I would keep the white belly hair and that's about it. I use to save my bucktails but I found my tails to be not as soft as the ones i bought. Not worth the hassle for me since dear hair goes a long way.
I figure I'll end up wasting a bunch while learning, and I don't like paying what shops charge for a 6x6 square of the stuff.

Besides, if I end up able to tie some nice poppers, I'll make a lot of them. I love bass fishing, and they seem to love the hair poppers I've been throwing.
belly hair is the best for spinning, then the sides up from belly, back is more for wings(less flare) legs are not very good