Deer Hair



New member
Dec 9, 2009
I recently shot a doe and wanted to use it's tail and parts of the hide. Has anyone done this? I have no idea how or where to start. What part of the deer should I use? What is the difference between belly hair and regular hair? Any help would be greatly appreciated. I am preparing for the spring when the bass are spawning.

Thank you!!!
I am also curious on this topic.

You can only use "buck tail" not "doe tail" J/K
Welcome to PAFF. The doe you recently bagged will provide a lifetime's worth of deer hair (except the tail, which you will use up). Deer hair "performs" differently from different parts of the body. First off, the tail: you'll want to preserve this. Just cut the tail off from the rest of the hide, skin it and discard the bone/flesh section. I'd recommend looking over the rest of the hide and selecting 3 or 4 areas with hair you'd like to use for tying. The thick hair along the deer's flanks is the hollow stuff that flares and will spin. Belly hair tends to be white or dirty white (obviously)and not as hollow and therefore is better for streamer wings or large bass flies where you don't need the hair to spin/flare - like a Lefty's Deceiver. Cut sections of the hide in sections about 10" square or smaller (small enough to fit in large zip-lock freezer bags). Get an old board or plank of wood and lay the tail and other sections on the board fur side down and nail 'em to the board to dry. Put some salt on 'em to speed the process and help preserve the hide. Put 'em somewhere dry and out of the way of dogs or family members who might not like the odor. Once they're dry, they'll last for years and shouldn't smell. If they do smell a bit, seal 'em in the zip-loc bags for storage. Good luck with your spring bass fishing.
I agree with FI but to prevent smell go to wally world and buy 20 Mule Team Borax in the laundry detergent isle.

First thing you need to do is wash the hide in mild dish soap and lay out a few days to dry. Simply fill a 5 gal bucket and dip hide and ring out. Change your water a few time for best results. You need to do this to remove blood and dirty before curing.

After it dries ( I use a hair dry to speed this up) lay it out on a flat surface and cut it length wise into strips. Place each strip in a plastic bag and freeze. The strips you are gonna do right now nail to a board as FI said and load em up with borax. The borax will kill fleas, ticks etc it also prevents smell and future investation.

As you have time remove a few strips from the freezer allow them to thaw let them dry and do as above. It will last a lifetime and you can always give some away.

Good luck and let us know if you have any other question.
Thanks a lot!!! I will try it and let you all know how it works out.
Millertime wrote:
I am also curious on this topic.

You can only use "buck tail" not "doe tail" J/K

Using a doe tail will attract only male fish. In general, male trout are smaller than females, so the fly should catch a lot of trout, but smaller ones. A good "peepee" trout fly as Mo would say.