deer hair caddis?


Nov 12, 2014
I was wondering does anyone tie their caddis patterns with deer instead of elk hair? I have an abundance of deer hair and was just wondering if it would work as well as elk hair?
Plenty of people use deer hair for caddis patterns. I'm sure a quick Google search would produce plenty. Tie away.
You can use hair type material you want. Ely hair is typically lighter than deer. You also want to use the correct type of hair for the hook size. Smaller 16-18 I'll use comparadun hair. I use mule deer, elk bull, and whitetail deer for the bigger sizes.
I don't know all the differences, but each has its own characteristics. I think Elk hair was the original and still preferred because of its greater degree of "hollowness," but maybe that isn't your priority. I find deer hair adequate for my needs, because it is cheap and I only have to have one material on hand. The Benchside Reference I am sure will clear up all your questions.
Just tie the CDC caddis pattern. Forget the elk hair altogether.
I prefer to use deer hair- even like the finer coastal deer patches.
It gives the fly a nicer profile IMO. And I have no problem floating the flies
I'll second that. I was taught to tie it by the originator about 17 years ago and although Hans used elk hair to tie it he told me deer hair would work just as well. Just after starting to tie it I stopped in a fly shop, if I remember correctly in Willow Grove and got talking to the owner, Ken, I think. He told me if I was planning to tie a lot of deer hair caddis rather than buy the small patches of deer hair, buy a deer's mask. He sold me one for $10. Best $10 I ever spent on fly tying material.