Deer Creek - Allegheny County



New member
Mar 3, 2014
Has anyone fished the delayed harvest section of Deer Creek (Allegheny Co.) lately? I fished it hard today but it was high and muddy and had no luck. Fished from behind the winery to just before the golf course property. Anyone have much luck there?
Well, according to the fish commission website the stream was just stocked on 3-10 resecheduled from 3-2.

deer stock

Drove by yesterday and was blown. Calling for rain tonight and tomorrow. I would wait a few days.
Yeah, I'm sure all that rain on Saturday didn't help at all. Hoping for a decent week of weather to get the streams in good shape for the weekend.
Does anyone know what Deer Creek, Buffalo Creek DHALO, or Neshannock look like right now, or any other options around there?

My nephew wanted to get out tomorrow and I hate to disappoint him, but seems everything is high and muddy. He wants to stay within 20 to 40 minutes of Sarver so I'm kind of limited....
DanL wrote:
Does anyone know what ... or Neshannock look like right now, ...

High and muddy as of a few hours ago, pretty much as expected.

Until the snow is gone and the ground has had time to absorb the two feet worth of recently melted moisture that was on it, it's going to be tough goings. Everything is just saturated right now.
Dang. Maybe I'll take him to a lake. At least can get some casting practice in then...

Just rode past buffalo... high and muddy as well
Fished delayed harvest of Pine yesterday afternoon. Water was a bit off color but fishable. caught a few on bright eggs. Gauge looks like it should be ok for tomorrow.
Off topic, but is it generally good fishing at Deer Creek?

I'm just south of Pittsburgh and its reasonably close for an afternoon or morning trip.

Any recommended parking access for the DHALO or FFO areas?
I've been trying to get out for a few hours after work for the past week or so. I hit the DHALO section of Bull Creek with no luck last week.

Every time Ive tried to fish Deer Creek, its been too high.

RJ, there is a little bit of parking along Campbell Rd right off of 910. and some room off of Martin Rd. However, the pull off at Martin Rd has "no parking" signs all over it. Other than that, there really arent any good spots to park that Ive found.
I park right by Emmerling Park by the duck ponds, off of 910. You can then walk downstream about a mile to some decent runs where the turnpike crosses, and work your way back up. It might be ATW, can't remember if Delayed stretches down that far.

I can PM GPS coordinates to the parking area to you, if you'd like. It's such a public place though that I doubt anyone would consider it spot-burning, but I'll respect everyone here.

It's also a very family/kid friendly section if you want to get them out.
Please! Thanks, Dan.
FYI emmerling park is a good ways downstream. The creek is relatively small and dishes well when stocked. Not much in the way if hatches, but that makes the fish fairly opportunistic. Have your midges and attractors.
As stated above, Campbell is a good starting point as it is right in the middle of the dhalo. Downstream is the rose ridge golf course section. Upstream is a little more walking, but some nice sections.
Deer Creek is great early trout season (April & Early May). They stock it heavily being that it is in Allegheny County. However, it gets too low and warm in the summer months
Stopped by the delayed harvest section by the golf course yesterday. Was super low, and gin clear. Needs some water for sure...