Dedicated? Nope, just BS crazy.



Well-known member
Jun 18, 2014
Sound off dedicated anglers. I know at least one of you went out in this stuff today. Sound off if you did.
krayfish2 wrote:
Sound off dedicated anglers. I know at least one of you went out in this stuff today. Sound off if you did.

Out all day...caught trout and some slammer redfish too big to keep (don't keep them anyway).
I was out all day---but too windy and cold to fish...nasty day--so I sat on the veranda ,drank coffee and smoked cigars in between hanging out here.
redfish too big to keep---envy here.Bulls
Was out all day. No fish. Lots of water samples
pete41 wrote:
redfish too big to keep---envy here.Bulls

Amelia Island area, Pete. Surprisingly good day given the cold front. Two over the slot and a few other nice ones.
I was out yesterday as the storm winded down. Hooked a bow 3 times and finally landed him the third time on the LL. Only fish of the day but it was the hardest fighting fish I've ever caught out of that stream. It was rough walking through the snow but had the whole stream to myself.
Well I can now say I'm less crazy than at least one person!

Actually, I hate fishing in the cold, but I'll do it if the itch is bad enough.
Hey, you were nearby; I'm in JAX :-D ! If you ever get the chance, try coming back when the flood tides start up again.
fond memories of JAX be there in april myself-mouth of St.Johns great fishing.
I knew it. Fishing in Florida is one thing but going out during a major Noreaster is something different. When the roads are impassible, a state of emergency is declared, etc. and you still go out..... I don't get it.

I LOVE fishing but have never been that bored or disturbed to have fishing cross my mind on a day like Tuesday or Wednesday.
I would love to fish in a snow storm to be honest but the wind and the wind chill makes it not even considerable for me. I can't even imagine going out and enjoying fishing in that storm.
Yesterday around 6pm it was maybe 25 degrees with steady 25-30 mph 'breeze' with higher gusts. My obviously unstable neighbor was out wearing his helmet and riding his mountain bike up and down the street for 20 minutes. Not sure why. He's the guy that came over last summer to ask if I was recycling and trying not to use batteries as they are harming the planet for his children.....also wanted everyone to tear out the lawns in the back of their homes so we could make a communal garden......wanted to know if we'd mind him erecting a huge windmill to capture wind energy....and finally..... brought his daughter over trick-or-treating and I put some candy in her bag. He inspects it, walks back to my porch, throws it into my chest and says "Giving my daughter sugary candy is not allowed."

I haven't even got into the part where he's born, raised and never left this county....yet speaks with a Norwegian accent. Seriously. Lol
Sounds like ya got a weirdo next door.
steveo27 wrote:
Sounds like ya got a weirdo next door.

At least he was wearing his helmet.
krayfish2 wrote:
Yesterday around 6pm it was maybe 25 degrees with steady 25-30 mph 'breeze' with higher gusts. My obviously unstable neighbor was out wearing his helmet and riding his mountain bike up and down the street for 20 minutes. Not sure why. He's the guy that came over last summer to ask if I was recycling and trying not to use batteries as they are harming the planet for his children.....also wanted everyone to tear out the lawns in the back of their homes so we could make a communal garden......wanted to know if we'd mind him erecting a huge windmill to capture wind energy....and finally..... brought his daughter over trick-or-treating and I put some candy in her bag. He inspects it, walks back to my porch, throws it into my chest and says "Giving my daughter sugary candy is not allowed."

I haven't even got into the part where he's born, raised and never left this county....yet speaks with a Norwegian accent. Seriously. Lol

I'm sorry if I offended you by giving the candy back. And I'm sorry you don't like my garden idea..
He's a hippie, tree hugger type and believe a 6 yr old that stood up to him would intimidate him. His wife appears to be the man of the household. Lol. She is from Finland..... but has no accent. Go figure. His kids run up and pet my dogs but dad freaks and begins spraying antibacterial crap all over the kids hands. "Don't touch those filthy dogs". If anything living in my household is filthy, its me! So offensive to my dogs. Luckily they live 4 houses away.
I'd laugh, but in many ways, it's sad.