DCNR Secretary named



Active member
Sep 10, 2006
This just in! He actually appears to have an environmental background!

oh my gosh! how did he slip through the cracks!!???
The link in the original post was to a news release. Check out this article:


I wouldn't get too excited. His business background is scrap metal recycling and energy consulting. Good background for running the state forests and parks?

Maybe he'll be OK, but I wouldn't assume so. We'll see.

troutbert wrote:
The link in the original post was to a news release. Check out this article:


I wouldn't get too excited. His business background is scrap metal recycling and energy consulting. Good background for running the state forests and parks?

Maybe he'll be OK, but I wouldn't assume so. We'll see.

I last Secretary of DCNR did not appear to have any related credentials prior to joining DCNR. How did he do? Alan has experience founding two conservation organizations and is involved in another. He also has a degree in environmental science and biology. Seems to be a reasonable selection.
he might turn out to be a good guy, we'll just have to see. but what ever happened to promoting from within? I'm sure there are lots of good people already in DCNR with the qualifications to do the job.
same thing with the DEP, why not promote someone already there?
I guess no one in those organizations donated to his campaign fund.
The proof of the pudding will be when we see what happens with proposed further leasing of state forests and state parks.
troutbert wrote:
The proof of the pudding will be when we see what happens with proposed further leasing of state forests and state parks.

Dear troutbert,

The pudding is already dried out and moldy.

Governor Corbett campaigned and promised no more business as usual. Who but the most pollyanish of citizens didn't realize that was nothing but codespeak for we'll soon have a whole new group of yes-men scurrying feverishly about?

The only thing that has changed is the line-up, the team will still play by the golden rules of politics.

We're screwed.


Tim Murphy :)