Days on the Water by Mike Sajna



Well-known member
Apr 25, 2007
Rereading Mike Sajna's book Days on the Water. I am three chapters in and I forgot how great the book was. Stories about a typical guy and his PA fishing trips. I recognize many of the places in the book. Stirs thoughts of my own about my past trips there. Fun stories.
I concur with the Acristic Kid. This is a wonderful book, and if you can find it online somewhere, you ought to buy it before they are all gone. I plan to re-read it during my pool deck reading over the summer (after the big hatches).
Just ordered a used, but supposedly "like new" copy from Amazon for under $4. Thanks for the post. I look forward to reading it.
If my recollection is correct, he knew he was dying and wrote that for his daughter...
The details are a little fuzzy but I did recall ghat he had passed away.

He does sprikle in some factual data but it certainly is not an overwhelming amount. I am sure many folks on this site can relate to his personal stories- from traffic on the way to a stream to a guy crowding your hole, to unexpected early season risers.

Check it out.