Dallas Township Residents Fighting The Marcellus Shale Pipeline



Active member
May 17, 2009
Long article but worth the read. The pipeline company used Facebook posts to support its contention that the company is being defamed. Didn't see any reference to the heat we have been giving this endeavor on PAFF! Still unclear how NY could avoid this while PA bangs the drum in favor of it.


thats how.
It's a good series of articles. I've been in construction for 25 years and would never be allowed to run gas lines or sewer/ waters without inpections. My industry lobbyist must suck! This truly is the next wave of environmental impact - hundreds of mods of excavation for pipelines.
Good article. Thanks for the link.

(Will move this to the Conservation Forum where we have been gathering the many links and posts on this topic.)
Dave W
I've said it before, and I'll say it again. these companies do NOT care about the well being of our state. they DO care about making as much money in as short of time as possible, to hell with the repercussions.
the article really sickened me.
pretty soon it will be illegal to say anything negative about the gas industry, and we will all just have to bend over and take it up the ***
great cartoon pete! couldn't be closer to the truth.
bikerfish wrote:
I've said it before, and I'll say it again. these companies do NOT care about the well being of our state. they DO care about making as much money in as short of time as possible, to hell with the repercussions.
the article really sickened me.
pretty soon it will be illegal to say anything negative about the gas industry, and we will all just have to bend over and take it up the ***

Says it all. Think coal mining and the long term negative on PA's environment. Where are the responsible parties now? Long gone.