Cutthroat: Native Trout of the West



Well-known member
Apr 25, 2007
Anyone out there read this book? If so, what are your thoughts about the book?

Or any other Native trout books you could recommed?

Just ordered it since I could not find it at the library, as well as, the fly fisher’s guide to Neveda.

I really got the native trout fever and want to learn more about the fish and their environs.

Last year, I got the idea of trying to catch all the native trout in the lower 48- lofty goal but something that keeps me very interested in fly fishing.

Planning a trip to NV next summer- going to try for Lahontan cutthroat trout, Humboldt River Cutthroat and the Redband Rainbow trout. NV doesnt bring trout to mind but it has several species there.


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It's a superb book, IMHO.

For those who are very interested in the topic of cutts. It's not really a fishing book. Lots of biology, geology, etc.

But the info can certainly be used to help plan your fishing trips.

The fish illustrations by Joseph Tomelleri are superb.

There have been some changes regarding the status of the greenback cutts since this book came out. If you Google "greenback cutts" you can learn all about it.

I doubt that this book will be reprinted. I heard that many copies were remaindered, so even though it is a very high quality book, it did not sell as well as the publisher had hoped.
Excellent book BTW!

It is comprehensive (huge and heavy also). I just read the Humboldt cutthroat trout chapter.

It gives the history, biology,geology etc... Names many streams or areas where they can be found. I have caught 5 of the 12 native cutthroat so far and looking forward to trying to catch all of them.

Could already recommend it to anyone interested in Cutthroat trout or native trout fishing.
If anyone is interested in buying the book, be sure to get the second edition.

It is available at very reasonable prices.
'North American Trout and Salmon' by Bob Behnke is also a good book, giving you the ranges, life history biology, etc. of the natives across the continent.
Nice, I'll check the library and give it a try.
Unbelievable! Trout and Salmon of North America by Dr B is at my local library. Whoo! Getting excited for fly fishing for these trout already!!
Trout and Salmon of North America is a great book. It is great at explaining the history, biology , geology and distribution of all the species of trout and salmon.


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