Curved blank



Active member
Jul 18, 2010
I received my CT today. It looks nice with one exception. When assembled and held horizontally to eye up the guide alignment, I noticed a curve to the right when the guides are on top.
If I roll the bank over so the guides are on the bottom, the rod gradually curves to the left.
I know many experienced rodbuilders do not worry about building on the spine, but wouldn't a rod with a curve play havoc with casting?
The spine/spline is not a curve. It is a difference in the way the rod but bends. The rod should be straight.
That's what I thought. Thanks, Mike.
No problem Keith. Are you building a rod on the blank? By the way, spell check messed me up and changed blank and to but...
You can build so that when assembled the curve is hidden by the weight of the guides flexing the rod downward. In other words build so that the guides are on the outside of the curve. This is usually how I deal with crooked blanks.

As was mentioned the curve is not the spine. However it can influences where the spine is. I don't even bother with the spine though so it's all academic for me.

Also, there are very few blanks which don't have at least a slight curve. You could very well go crazy returning blanks until you found one that was straight (or nearly so).

No. It's a finished 8654 Redington CT.
I find I can read auto-"correct" fairly well. I knew what you meant.
If it's bent that bad it's concerning you, Redington should exchange it. I have one St Croix that fine except for the tip's crooked. When I assemble it in April, it makes me cringe. The rod casts fine though.
Wow, did I screw this post up. Looks like I'm going to Hamburg on Saturday.
Exchanged the rod this morning with no problem, as expected. I'm lucky they had one in stock. Now, if it'd just stop raining so I can get out and at least lawn cast.
Question.... is this one bent or bent less? It's nearly impossible to find a perfectly straight one.

You were going to wait for the rain to stop? My one rod exchange showed up and I was in the yard when I got home at 7pm and was chucking it in 10-15 temps. Maybe I was too excited to get a new to or maybe you have common sense that I seem to lack. :) I think that rod will treat you right.
It only bends as far as gravity SHOULD allow that taper to bend.