crystal glo bugs



May 16, 2011
my brother got these and we put a little shot of super glue on then and got them hard, so what kind of glue would you recommend? thanks
I wouldn't use any glue personally, but if I had to, I'd probably try a 30 minute epoxy or something similar.

Why do you want to glue them? just curious.
These things slide all over the hook if you dont glue them. The trick is to use some 3/0 thread and make a little ball in the center of the hook where you want the egg to sit. Whip finish it and then put some dabs of superglue or zapagap on it. Then slide the egg over that. It won't get glue all over the egg and you have a good anchor to hold it on the hook.
I misunderstood. I thought that they were glueing the exterior to make the eggs have a hard texture.

but yes, zap-a-gap holds them to the hook well. I've slid these on rabbit leech patterns before make them ESL's.
ok thanks we tryed super glue like under the hook, but it seems it was hard to get the hook threw, any ideas to make em easyier
just do what dub suggested...

put down a thread base that will "hide" under your egg. whip finish it.

start the egg on the hook point, slide it up near your thread base, add a dab of zap-a-gap to the thread, slide the egg over your adhesive, done.

just watch that you don't stick yourself when you start the egg onto the hook point.
Also, these things can be difficult to get on the curved hook. You'll sometimes tear them, or have the hook pass through at an awkward angle. Take a safety pin or a bodkin and create the hole in the egg before you slide it on the hook. That makes it easier.

Also, if you're trying to use them for salmon, Try a size 6 scud hook with two of them on one hook :)
ok thanks i was thinkin of using a needle but never did it
Try hot glue from a gun it's a little cloudy so it will look like its between fertilized
You can get these at the craft store too fyi... I'm all for supporting fly shops, but not for something as simple as this that can be bought for a fraction of the price.
ok, what can they be found under, and what is usally the going price? thanks
in a craft store they are called pom poms usually near the kids section also there yoiu can find crazy colored feathers mainly used for softhackles and marabou and lets not forget the stretch magic....
flipnfly wrote:
Try hot glue from a gun it's a little cloudy so it will look like its between fertilized

Slip glass beads on hook.
Dollop hot glue over bead.
Turn handle of your rotary vise (holy carp, I have used the rotary feature!)
Thrill to lifelike rubbery eggs with tasty reddish interior.