Crooked Wood



Well-known member
Sep 10, 2006
How does one go about Straitening a bamboo rod section?
Bruno wrote:
How does one go about Straitening a bamboo rod section?

I've straightened some cheap boo rods that I rebuilt. I wouldn't try it on an expensive one though - send it back to the rod maker.

Heat the section up, but DON'T GO CRAZY WITH THE HEAT do it slowly until you reach the right temp. Holding it over an electric stove is ideal. Bend it back the opposite way from the set a little at time until the section is straight. Oh and use

Good luck
I used my toaster. Like Afish said, it doesn't take much heat...don't hold it too close. Do it slowly.
Roll it on a table or something flat to locate the center of the bend.
Heat Gun?
If you straighten your wood too much, you'll go blind. :lol:
Bruno wrote:
How does one go about Straitening a bamboo rod section?

Not so sure about fly fishing, but hell, you'll have straight wood!
I heard to use hair blow dryer. Never done it though.
I use a burner on my kitchen stove. heat the bent section to the point where it's almost too hot to touch, then work the bend out of it. it's not hard once you get the hang of it, and you'll learn the proper amount of heat with some practice. once heated correctly, the section will bend easily. be careful though, do not torch the thing!!! don't need to retemper the cane or melt the glue out. just take it slow and easy, might take a few tries to get the section straight.
Heat gun, watch the temp. If you have a hair dryer you can get enough heat. If you have not straightened a bamboo rod before don't use an open flame or heat gun. I would go with the hair dryer or be careful.

If it is really bad, send it to me and I'll straighten it and send it back to you.

Joe E.
by the way, my kitchen stove is electric, like joe says, no open flame, bamboo goes up quick!! I use the stove because I have no heat gun or hair dryer. I'd be careful with the heat gun, those things get hot!!
If it isn't real bad, you can straighten it without using heat, but it takes awhile and requires making a jig and using some weights.

Heat probably works better though. Probably less likely that the curvature comes back, too.

The first one i did, I used an alcohol lamp. Not recommended for a first try. :-D
I broke it - such is life.
Bruno wrote:
I broke it - such is life.

Hopefully you didn't break it while trying to straighten it.

We all should have said to go very slow.
what section was it? tip, mid? I'll keep my eyes open for a section for it in my travels. don't worry, unlike some modern materials, all is not lost just yet.

I don't know the make of the rod or the condition but is it worth scarfing the broken section? only you know the worth of the rod. I know of makers that will for about 75.00, the other is to have a new section made most charge about 100.00. But that all depends on what it is worth to you.

Joe E
Bruno.........please tell us you broke it on a fish!!!!!