Credible Muskellunge reports always sought - SE Pa, including York Co



Well-known member
Nov 10, 2006
Frederick's post prodded me to mention here that I am always looking for credible Muskellunge/Tiger Muskellunge reports from my region. The size of the fish does not matter; I am more interested in success of stockings and survival, as well as what Frederick suggested...that the fish are being targeted in lakes or river sections (rivers are sectioned and numbered just like trout streams) that are stocked. PM's, emails, and phone calls regarding these fisheries are all fine.

I am also interested in the number or some sense of the number of anglers targeting a given Muskellunge population. That info is difficult and expensive to obtain, unless a fishery is so clearly popular, as in the case of Leaser Lake, that angler use ( for Muskies) is confidently described as being high. Generally, it is difficult, rare might be an even better term, to find anglers targeting Muskies when conducting angler interviews on water or along bodies, but not at Leaser, where they are common.

Muskellunge and Tiger Muskellunge are expensive. We want to learn that they are being targeted by more than just a few people where they are stocked and we want to make sure that they are surviving in acceptable numbers where stocked, making targeting by anglers worthwhile. Biological surveys tell us about abundance and survival, but not about angler use and success. Plus, it is instructive to compare angler info with what has been found in biological surveys. While in my experience it does not happen very often, there is the possibility that on occasion the angler info regarding Muskies may reveal a better population than was suggested by a biological survey.
Tough stuff to measure.

The dollar value of the muskie program, it seems to me, is much harder to quantify than other programs. Perhaps a fitting analogy would be grizzly bears in Yellowstone: few folks go there to see one, but knowing that they are out there - these charismatic, top of the food chains predators - adds to the mystique. So it is with muskies in PA. This is genuine value.

Many anglers I talk to out on our rivers don't target muskies and will admit that they have never caught one, but when I broach the topic, their response is great enthusiasm and they are eager to tell me about one their brother hooked over by the dam, or the one that followed a hooked crappie last summer. Just great enthusiasm.

Angler hours vs a sort of cultural enthusiasm is indeed tough to quantify. My sense is that most muskies caught in this state are probably incidental catches, mostly by folks targeting bass and walleyes in bigger rivers. How does this translate into management decisions? Many of the muskies that are actually caught by serious muskie anglers may actually fly lower under the radar and not make it into the local newspaper or social media (and the location even less likely to be described). Hhmmm....

Speaking for myself, I consider myself a muskie enthusiast but only occasionally target them with only one or two trips this year where they were the exclusive target. I can count on the fingers of one hand the muskies I have seen this year and my catch rate, so far, is zero (by fly fishing). Such an outcome might be regarded as a failure of investment return by a dollar number cruncher, but this is not about dollars.

To more directly address the question, I think the best way to get a grip on answers would be to post paper surveys at popular PFBC boat ramps. This would be time consuming and a bit costly, but would probably yield the best data set on where in SEPA and York County there are folks targeting muskies, how many and what size they have seen or caught, as well as those who are not targeting them, but wish to see the stocking efforts sustained.

I will keep this request in mind Mike and send you a PM if I see or hear about local muskie catches, although I don't fish as much in your region, mainly just the lower Susky and Marburg. In the meantime, we appreciate you sharing what you know about local muskies opportunities with us. I have planned fishing trips based on something you have shared with us. Much appreciated.
I’m from the sw and nw of pa. All I can say is that I give the fish commission an A+ effort on their Muskie stocking program. I am new to it 4yrs maybe and with that said from all the years I would fish these areas for other fish, I would never even see a Muskie to nowndays to where every trip I’ve been making, I at least see 1 or 2 of them. Not only that but to where I am actually able to catch them. Problem is to find where they are hiding and to what kind of mood they are in.
Have to agree with Dave coming on this public forum and asking for the spots. Your not going to get to much info out of someone than asking them in person or maybe on a more private site. I know I won’t give up my spots and the ones I know of already get pressure from other Muskie fishermen since these are already well known spots. When you fishing an catch one accidentally your more likely to give it up but those who actually try will....
I think there may be a misinterpretation of the location info that I am seeking in the case of rivers. I am looking for a general description that I can relate to a river section number, not a specific island, hole, creek mouth, or other recognizable spot.. In addition, I indicated that individuals could contact me directly, thus avoiding the kiss-and-tell problem of posting a location here.
Dave's post is pretty much spot on accurate. I spend a lot of time on the Juniata but rarely target muskies. I have caught plenty of them but that generally happens in the winter. When I catch these fish I am targeting walleye and/or bass. Even size of lure/fly doesn't translate to muskies caught which is interesting. I've taken just as many muskies on stuff that is 1 inch long as I have on 6 inch long deceivers that I'm throwing for walleye.
Mike wrote:
I think there may be a misinterpretation of the location info that I am seeking in the case of rivers. I am looking for a general description that I can relate to a river section number, not a specific island, hole, creek mouth, or other recognizable spot.. In addition, I indicated that individuals could contact me directly, thus avoiding the kiss-and-tell problem of posting a location here.

Any reports or feedback given to Mike from the musky guys will do nothing but help muskie fishing since he is looking for info to better enhance Muskie fishing in SE PA.

I've met quite a few muskie guys, and I know of a lot of them keep silent and only talk amongst themselves about fishing. This is fine under normal circumstances, but sharing their info and enthusiasm about the pursuit of their favorite fish with the PFBC will let them know that spending more resources to enhance muskie fishing is worthwhile.

Contact Mike privately, as he mentions above.


Should we assume that AFMs in other regions would wish to hear the same info?
I would not make that assumption. You would need to assess the reaction of each individually.
Mike you should come to one of our Muskies Inc meetings. MI50 is our chapter and we meet the first wednesday of every month. We actually have one tomorrow 9/5 at Caseys Tavern in Quakertown.
We actually have a state rep showing up to our meeting tomorrow to talk to us about the fish commission.

I can tell you the West Branch of the Susquehanna rewarded me with a decent one this weekend. We had 6 follows and boated a 38"er on Saturday.