Craighead posted



Well-known member
May 26, 2009
Yesterday I decidew d to make an effort to try fishing after my hip replacement. I went way up 174 to a parking area where I stopped last year and watched a guy crush stockies with a little nymph. I thought it would be good for me. Parking close to the river and easy access into the water. When I pulled in there were black & Red No Trespassing signs strung out along the river and another No Trespassing sign on a little bridge to go down stream. There was a sign indicating access to the river was only available to Craighead guests. Does anyone know if this was closed due to fishermen causing issues or the family just decided they didn't want to bother with it anymore?
I am referring to the upper Yellow Breeches. I can tell it is still too early for me to try to wade fish. It took me 5 minutes to put my socks on, another 5 minutes to put my waders on, and almost 10 minutes to put on my wading shoes, tighten the laces and make a knot. I was tired before I got to the stream.

I went further upstream to a park with swing sets and a trail. The creek was low and clear. I was surprised to see a guide with a client drifting nymphs under an indicator. I guess I can't imagine anyone paying a couple hundred dollars a day to fish a stream no more than 20' wide and 2' deep. I left after 10 minutes.
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It’s a start. Don’t overdo it, but keep pushing (a little at a time), and keep active, even if not fishing. Recovery from anything is always slower than we want and it’s not a linear curve exactly. 2 steps forward today, and one back tomorrow is still a net of one forward. Try not to measure your gains on a daily basis. Look back a month ago to now, for example, for perspective.

I have developed a bad taste for guides from a couple bad experiences. Admittedly I’m a DIY guy and probably not a great client. Better for them probably for me to just not hire them, and better for me to not hire them just to **** me off.
I do PT 3X a week at OSS. I'm supposed to exercise at home on my off days but I have been slacking off at home the last two weeks. Tomorrow is just one month since my surgery. I'm walking with a cane (as I did ever since 2017) I'm driving, I was able to get the tractor out of the garage and mow the lawn. I think another month of PT will be a big help. If I didn't have the Hyde and bass boat it would be pretty much impossible to fish.
How exactly does one identify a "guide." I'll be having my brother-in-law out on some trout water this weekend for a bit and he can't even really cast. This will be his second time with a fly rod. It will basically look like I'm 100% guiding him as I'll be supplying things, teaching, etc, etc. But I'm no guide. Just a guy spreading the love of the fly rod to someone.

I don't like seeing guides and don't like the idea of pay to fish type stuff or private water. I do understand wanting to make a living off something you love, though.

Anyways with time I'm sure you're health will improve, you're recovery will hasten, and you'll be chucking parachute Adams before you know it.
Yesterday I decidew d to make an effort to try fishing after my hip replacement. I went way up 174 to a parking area where I stopped last year and watched a guy crush stockies with a little nymph. I thought it would be good for me. Parking close to the river and easy access into the water. When I pulled in there were black & Red No Trespassing signs strung out along the river and another No Trespassing sign on a little bridge to go down stream. There was a sign indicating access to the river was only available to Craighead guests. Does anyone know if this was closed due to fishermen causing issues or the family just decided they didn't want to bother with it anymore?
I have seen this posted lost by the bridge.that stinks when you find an old spot posted thaw wasn’t before. You can’t fish it but your license dollars are swimming around down there no doubt on private property. There in lies the fault of just producing fish that run onto private stretches of stream in stead of buying anglers access easements to fish. Eventually the entire state will have to just all pack into children’s lake to compete over the ~5 million stocked trout.
Wish you speedy recovery!
I do PT 3X a week at OSS. I'm supposed to exercise at home on my off days but I have been slacking off at home the last two weeks. Tomorrow is just one month since my surgery. I'm walking with a cane (as I did ever since 2017) I'm driving, I was able to get the tractor out of the garage and mow the lawn. I think another month of PT will be a big help. If I didn't have the Hyde and bass boat it would be pretty much impossible to fish.

I had mine replaced last February.

I walk 3 miles a day, every day and everything just keeps getting better and better every day...

Keep at it, do your exercises and be patient.

Good luck!!
I had mine replaced last February.

I walk 3 miles a day, every day and everything just keeps getting better and better every day...

Keep at it, do your exercises and be patient.

Good luck!!
Patience and the lack thereof is my biggest problem. I feel great except my leg still has very little strength. I'm judging recovery by being able to go upstairs by using my leg strength and not pulling myself with with my left arm on the banister.
Patience and the lack thereof is my biggest problem. I feel great except my leg still has very little strength. I'm judging recovery by being able to go upstairs by using my leg strength and not pulling myself with with my left arm on the banister.

When I had mine replaced I was moving around GREAT, doing all kinds of things however the therapists (who I obeyed to the letter) told me because of balance instability they observed when all my weight was on my leg with the replacement, they recommended I NOT wade until I was evaluated about 12 weeks after the surgery.

Bottom line, I was a good boy and didn't wade for at least 15 weeks and even then, when I did I was VERY shaky and nervous I'd fall, even with a wading staff and grippy shoes. Putting ON my wading shoes and socks wasn't easy either.

Fast forward a year and things are STILL improving with flexibility and wading has got a LOT easier as well...

If I stopped drinking a couple high ABV beers before I start fishing it might improve even more... ;)

I don't how long its been for you after the process but keep the faith, be patient and do whatever therapy is recommended.

Even after a little over a year I STILL think I will make a lot more progress. When my surgeon visited me the moring after my surgery he told me, "it just keeps getting better & better" and so far he has been correct!!

Good luck!!
I never had a hip replacement, but have had a knee replacement. Bootfoot waders are much easier and quicker to get in and out of. There are not as many options available, and they probably leak quicker, but the convenience makes them my chioce.
At three months shy of 80 I hope by the fall I will be strong enough to steelhead fish.
Good to hear everyone is getting around or will be getting around on new wheels. Thankfully, I haven't had hip issues yet. Hopefully my shoulders don't get worse.
Back to the original topic, has anyone attempted to get verbal permission from Craighead House to access the YB? Is it a "don't even bother to ask" situation, that followed a tacit-then-withdrawn permission situation? Aside from just above Children's Lake down to Allenberry, Messiah College, and Lisburn, I haven't tried many other places on YB.
I"m a double hip replacement person. Done in my 40's . For really good therepy, once you are pretty good, walk uphill, backwards, bent at the waist. This position was really weak for me, and still is: lean over to pick things up and try to take a few steps back. REALLY tough. And go side-to-side hard. You'll never be as good as before, but also WAYYY beter than immediately before the surgery. A wading staff is much more a requirement than it used to be. (I had my surgeries 5 & 7 Years ago)
I too am a double hip replacement person. Mobility greatly affected. Heaven forbid dropping something and just bending over to pick it up!!
Craighead House is not the issue, it is the neighboring land owner who is difficult to deal with. So much so that neither the state nor YBAC stock that section any longer.