Craft Fur Zonker???


Active member
Jun 11, 2016
Southwestern Pa
I have some big sheets of white\green\light brown craft fur. I never liked the ties I got doing a craft fur minnow, but I've watched a few video's on tying a Zonker using craft fur.

Has anyone tried or actually done this.....and.....does the fly "swim" properly to attract a trout?

Thanks much!
I have some big sheets of white\green\light brown craft fur. I never liked the ties I got doing a craft fur minnow, but I've watched a few video's on tying a Zonker using craft fur.

Has anyone tried or actually done this.....and.....does the fly "swim" properly to attract a trout?

Thanks much!
Tie one and find out. Maybe take it for a spin in your bathtub?
Blaine Chocklett has a fly called a crafty changer. It is tied with this material.
I've never thought about using craft fur for a Zonker. My initial reaction is that it wouldn't have the movement of one tied with a Zonker strip. An advantage might be that it wouldn't soak up as water as a Zonker strip. Making for a lighter fly. As already mentioned tie one and find out. Let us know how it works.
I tied one up using white craft fur. Then I tied up a few using white rabbit. Neither one worked last week, but the rabbit zonked has much better movement.