Crabby Creek chester County



Well-known member
Apr 24, 2009
South Jersey
Several years back there were some stories about restoration efforts for trout habitat on Crabby Creek. It was proposed to reintroduce brook trout in the creek. Since that time, news has been sparse. Has the restoration been successful? Have brook trout been reintroduced? Have any members on this site fished Crabby in the past 24 months and what were the results? This is the most recent information I have been able to find:

Thanks for any information.

Didn't go well there.
Basically a complete failure. Google "crabby creek pa restoration" for details. The first 2 or 3 pdf hits explain the project and the failures.
There's a pdf labeled "Annotated Lower Crabby Creek Restoration" that gives a very thorough explanation.

The difficulties seem extreme there.
Gosh!....I hadn't realized how big the challenges were, and how extensive the project was to remediate the stream.

Here is the PDF.
I live relatively close to this area and I really had no idea the amount of work that was done on that stream. Amazing. It looks like they had much bigger issues than just the trout population.
Man, that's depressing. Thanks for sharing the links and bringing this up again.
I've been wondering about this too. I hadn't read anything more recent than that PDF. Sounds like just too much development and too much runoff. It would cost millions to bring that stream back, and habitat improvement is meaningless until the runoff is controlled better.

Sadly, the same fate awaits several other small chester county wild trout streams. Some may last a few more years, others maybe a few more decades, but it is inevitable with the population growth in the area.
Big flood did extensive damage right after the habitat project. I don't know how the stocking of trout went, but some of the brookies may have been pushed downstream into Valley Creek.
Failure or not, if they abandon what was done, that sounds like a bad idea too, though. LV will be next to silt up and warm up (more like continue to silt up and warm up). A LOT of chubs where the two converge and some of the little parr look skinny and sickly...